Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) What does it actually say? Why is it necessary?
Acceptable Use Policy n “AUP” n Signed by you and your parent n District-wide policy
… responsibility for appropriate use expanding learning opportunity responsibility for appropriate use With the use of electronic networks, including both the Internet and the Intranet, the Council Grove Middle School is expanding learning access for students, staff, parents and the entire Council Grove community. With this opportunity comes the responsibility for appropriate use.
…responsible, ethical and legal manner responsible, ethical and legal manner CGMS users are expected to act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner, in accordance with the missions and purposes of the networks they use on the Internet and with the laws of Kansas and the United States.
…authorized individuals only is subject to criminal and civil penalties. School computer systems are for use by authorized individuals only. Any unauthorized access to these systems is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties.
Transmitting material in violation... is prohibited illegal activity violating software copyright degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance vandalizing the data of another user wastefully using resources gaining unauthorized access to resources or other computers invading the privacy of individuals using an account owned by another user without authorization intentionally transmitting viruses installing software onto computers
... use moral and ethical guidelines... regarding network use. appropriate decisions not a right, but a privilege cancellation of that privilege Students are expected to use moral and ethical guidelines in making appropriate decisions regarding network use. Use of the district network is not a right, but a privilege, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of that privilege. School and district administrators will decide what is inappropriate use on the network and their decision is final. Violations will be dealt with in accordance with the CGMS Student Code of Conduct policy.
… a security risk will be denied access... Attempts to log on as another user may result in cancellation of user privileges. user identified as a security risk will be denied access Security is a high priority due to the number of users. Identified security problems should be reported to a system administrator or appropriate teacher immediately and not shared with other users. Attempts to log on as another user may result in cancellation of user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk will be denied access to the system.
Vandalism will result in cancellation of user privileges creation of or the uploading of computer viruses Vandalism is defined as any deliberate attempt to harm or destroy data or property of another user, the Internet/Intranet, or other networks. This includes the creation of or the uploading of computer viruses to the Internet/Intranet or host site. Vandalism will result in cancellation of user privileges.
Definitions of Computer Violations Inappropriate Use of the Computer Instant Messaging Downloading of files such as music, personal files, etc. Sharing Log-in (Username and/or Password) Games/Web sites not Curriculum Related
Inappropriate Use of the Computer n Definition Includes any file sharing program and/or viewing any site containing pornography, extreme violence, drugs, or weapons
Instant Messaging n Definition The use of any Internet- based chat program n Why not allowed Non-academic, network security, student safety, district/campus liability
MP3 Files n Definition Downloading, saving, or listening to MP3 files, unless instructed to do so n Why not allowed Copyright violation, takes up campus server space
Downloading n Definition Saving or installing an executable program to the computer n Why not allowed Takes up campus server space, network security, non-academic, district/campus liability
Sharing Log-in (Username and/or Password) n Definition Giving another student access to your computer account n Why not allowed Student accountability, accessing of other student folders can lead to cheating and destruction of student files
Games/Web sites not Curriculum Related n Definition Viewing any site or playing a game that you were not to go to n Why not allowed Non-academic, misuse of system resources
n Definition The use of any Internet- based mail program unless instructed and supervised by a teacher n Why not allowed Non-academic, network security, district/campus liability, student safety
Signatures Required an infraction result in a disciplinary consequence by the Principal I have read and understand these computer violations. I also understand that an infraction of these will result in a disciplinary consequence by the Principal. Student Signature: _________________________________ Parent Signature: ________________________________ This is what is usually required when students enroll at the beginning of the year.