Media Center Essential Question How can I be an effective user of information?
Task Definition Watch video clips on Cyber Security, Cyber Bullying, and Sharing too Much. Complete note taking sheet and create a Do’s and Don’ts poster on Social Networking. Synthesis Completed note taking sheet and a poster on Do’s and Don’ts of Social Networking. Evaluation Teacher Rubric/Grade
Social Networking Socialize with friends Talk to people with similar interests Keep up with friends & family (old and long distance) Share photos Champion a cause Market a talent Organize events
Social Networking Safety Issues Cyber Security Cyber Bullying Cyber Bullying Sharing Too Much Sharing Too Much
Cyber Security Scams Identity Theft Viruses Trojans Spyware _______: Install Firewall/Virus Protection _______: Open s from Strangers _______: Download from Non- Trusted Cites _______: Enter Contests from Unknown Sources _______: Guard Your Passwords _______: Always Log Out on Public Computers/Devices
Strategies, Location & Use of Information On the Tracking Teresa video clip, Teresa has tried not to reveal personal information online, but she has left enough clues that could put her in danger. List 3 or more Do’s and Don’ts of Cyber Security! Source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Netsmartz Workshop
Cyber Bullying Use of Technology to Tease, Humiliate, or Harass Serious Problem Results can be Devastating _______: Avoid Gossip _______: Block the Sender _______: Be a Bystander _______: Report Bullying
Strategies, Location & Use of Information On the Broken Friendship video clip, a teen gives her password to a friend at school resulting in cyber bullying from classmates and the loss of her friend. List 3 or more Do’s and Don’ts of Cyber Bullying! Source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Netsmartz Workshop
Sharing Too Much Inappropriate Photos (Sexting) - Illegal Inappropriate Photos (Sexting) - Illegal Inappropriate Personal Information Inappropriate Personal Information Accessible by Future Colleges/Employers Accessible by Future Colleges/Employers Vulnerable to Sexual Predators and Blackmail Vulnerable to Sexual Predators and Blackmail Snapchat Problems Snapchat Problems _______: Clean Profile _______: Clean Profile _______: Post or Send Inappropriate Photos _______: Post or Send Inappropriate Photos _______: Use Privacy Settings _______: Use Privacy Settings _______: Accept Just Anyone as Friends _______: Accept Just Anyone as Friends _______: Report Predators _______: Report Predators
Strategies, Location & Use of Information On the Your Photo Fate Video Clip, a young girl shares an inappropriate photo with another resulting in an out of control situation. List 3 or more Do’s and Don’ts of Sharing Too Much! Source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Netsmartz Workshop
Strategies, Location & Use of Information Blog on School Website School Website/Staff/Vincent, David/Internet Safety Blog Create a Poster on the Do’s and Don’ts of one of the following (Teacher Assign Topic): Cyber Security Cyber Bullying Sharing Too Much Include: Title, Do’s and Don’ts List, Full Name, and Appropriate Clip Art Use Publisher: Word Art, Text Boxes, Clip Art, and Border