Things To Consider If you were an employer would you condone the use of personal electronics? Would screening s that come through the work place be inappropriate? What are your thoughts about employee’s taking advantage of work time to use personal devices for anything not work related?
Smart Policies for Workplace Technologies
Out of 91% of personal storage devices for work related purposes 63% of that population DO NOT use passwords to protect company data.
Workers may get distracted by electronics at the work place Company and personal data may intertwine with each other Employee may go on website that are inappropriate at the workplace
An Employee goes on an inappropriate website while a regional manager enters the office. Company layouts are leaked due to the use of personal storage devices being used in the office.
At the end of the day Employers are liable for Employee actions!!!! Therefore it is only safe to have restrictions on personal electronics use. On the other hand people may feel that the eradication of electronics use maybe unfair.
Below is a link to a website that tells a real accounts of people getting fired for personal computer use at wrk CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO YOUTUBE VIDEO!
Relating laws for personal use of electronics in the workplace. Lets Discuss the Loopholes of: Employment privacy Electronic Communication Privacy Act Interception and Access Act of 1979
Put YOURSELF in the Employer’s Shoes!!!! Lack of productivity Lawsuits Information loss Loss of MONEY
Work Cited Bekish, Ashlee. "Employer Liability for Employee Cell Phone Use." Lawyers Find a Lawyer Law Firm, Attoney & Legal Services. 15 Jan Web. 30 Jan Garrity, Sean, and George Weir. "Balancing the Threat of Personal Technology in the Workplace." International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. 01 Apr Web. 15 Apr Nsc. "Nsc Member Survey Result." National Safety Council, 23 Oct Web. 30 Jan O'rouke, Anne. "Internet and Monitoring in the Workplace: Time for an Alternate Approach." Journal of Industrial Relations Web. 15 Apr