Acceptable Use By: Keith R. Watson CoC Information Security Manager
Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 2 What is acceptable use? Simply – what you are allowed and not allowed to do with Georgia Tech owned resources. This includes: –Computers & Networks –Telephones, Cell Phones, & Fax Machines –Your Office, Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Credit Cards, & Vehicles –Everything owned by Georgia Tech (which in turn is owned by the State of Georgia)
What happens if you don’t comply? You are subject to disciplinary action up to and including: –Being fired –Criminal prosecution Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 3
What is incidental personal use? We will focus on computer & network use. Personal use that does not prevent GT resources from being used for scholarly and business purposes and meets the following standards: –Does not create a security or legal risk for Georgia Tech. –Does not interfere with worker productivity. Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 4
What is incidental personal use? – cont. –Does not consume more than a trivial amount of resources that could otherwise be used for scholarly or business purposes. –Does not require the installation of any software or hardware unrelated to business or scholarly use. –Does not constitute inappropriate behavior for a professional work environment. Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 5
Examples of inappropriate personal use This will apply to GT owned laptop and desktop computers. –Letting family members and friends use your computer for any reason. –Doing your taxes or anyone else's taxes. –Installing software not related to business operations such as games. –Downloading music or videos. –Storing your legally owned music or videos. Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 6
Examples of inappropriate personal use – cont. – for a business. –Viewing inappropriate material. –Using your computer for ANY non-GT business purposes regardless of financial gain. –This applies to work and home use of GT owned computers and laptops. Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 7
Examples of appropriate personal use Listening to music or watching video online during breaks or lunch (must not interfere with your work or the work of others). Listening or watching your own music or video stored on your own storage device. Surfing the Internet (provided the material is appropriate, and the sites you visit are not hazardous to your computer). Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 8
Examples of appropriate personal use – cont. Trivial use of GT such as “don’t forget to pickup milk on the way home”. Checking your non-business related personal web mail (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail). Checking your non-business related social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter). Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 9
Appropriate use rules of thumb Avoid activates that interfere with your work or the work of others. Don’t install any software that is not directly related to GT business use. Don’t store personal files not related to GT business (e.g. music, video, , taxes, Word or Excel documents). Don’t view material inappropriate for the work place. Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 10
Appropriate use rules of thumb – cont. Don’t store non-GT related sensitive data. When it doubt – ask (we are not out to get you, we want to help). Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 11
Resources & Questions Computer & Network Usage and Security Policy – USP.pdfhttp:// USP.pdf Keith R. Watson CoC Information Security Manager Questions? Acceptable Use, by Keith R. Watson 12