CED RETREAT MAY 2011 SUE BONNER Dealing With Difficult Office Situations 1
HR for Dummies What would you do? 2
Difficult Office Situation # 1 You hired a new secretary. You did everything right. Advertised, screened, interviewed, checked references, provided training. Everything was going great for the first month or so and then… 3
Resources for Situation # 1 OSU P&P Employment, Promotion & Transfer for Classified Staff; Section 2.04 & 2.05 Offer Letter: As a new employee, you will be required to serve a 90- day probationary period. Orientation training and information will be provided to help you become better acquainted with the responsibilities and expectations of your new position. 4
Difficult Office Situation # 2 NEA Challenge She is a great employee Everyone likes her Your office received a call, she did not show up for a group session. Travel and itinerary do not match 5
Resources for Situation # 2 OSU P&P – Corrective Actions & Dismissals for Staff; Section 5.08… A serious violation, including but not limited to, inappropriate use of computers, theft, FALSIFICATION OF UNIVERSITY DOCUMENTS… – Supervisor Toolkit – Maximizing Performance 6
Difficult Office Situation # 3 Your peer is spending lots of time on the computer Deadlines are missed, phone calls unanswered, etc. Your secretary reported seeing “inappropriate images” on the computer screen 7
Resources for Situation # 3 IT Policies 8
Difficult Office Situation # 4 There is a new grandbaby in the Extension family…. A leave slip was turned in requesting sick leave. Your employee has planned to spend a week helping the new family “adjust” when they come home from the hospital. 9
Resources for Situation # 4 OSU P&P ; Section 3.01 A. Sick leave is defined for the purpose of this policy as absence from assigned duty with pay, such absence resulting from an illness or disabling injury which is expected to continue for less than six calendar months or such absence resulting from the medical requirement and care for a qualifying family member who is ill or incapacitated 10
Difficult Office Situation # 5 Your secretary announced that she is planning to take the day off to go see grandma in the hospital. She turns in a leave slip requesting 8 hours of sick leave. 11
Resources for Situation # 5 OSU P&P Sick Leave for Staff Section 3.01 …CARE for a qualifying family member who is ill or incapacitated. 12
Difficult Office Situations # 6 A new employee has announced that she is expecting a baby in the next six months. She really needs this job and doesn’t have much leave accumulated. or Your employee has exhausted FMLA and still continues to be absent due to illness of new baby. 13
Resources for Situation # 6 OSU P&P ; Family & Medical Leave Act - FMLA Notice Inside Human Resources – May 2011 Issue 14
Difficult Office Situation # 7 A sick leave slip for 8 hours is submitted for approval. You know that the employee had a routine doctor’s appointment scheduled. 15
Resources for Situation # 7 OSU P&P ; Sick Leave for Staff; Section 3.03 C. …In no case shall the length of time exceed the extent of time required to complete such appointment. 16
Difficult Office Situation # 8 On Monday morning an employee informs you of a back injury that happened last week while loading and unloading materials. You suspect the injury occurred over the weekend helping their child move. 17
Resources for Situation # 8 OSU P&P ; Workers’ Compensation - Outdated Policy Instead…. Broadspire Workers’ Compensation Info Inside Human Resources January
Difficult Office Situations Questions District Extension Director Agriculture Human Resources