RISK.  Types of Risk  Risk Reduction ◦ Testimonials ◦ Integrity Measurements ◦ Implementation.


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Presentation transcript:


 Types of Risk  Risk Reduction ◦ Testimonials ◦ Integrity Measurements ◦ Implementation

 Personal & Environmental Safety  Quality  Production Rates  Lost Inventory (scrap & theft)  Non-Compliance to Standards  Compliance with the EEOC/ADA  Lost time

Work-related accidents Working under the influence of alcohol or drugs Outbursts of physical or verbal aggression Misconduct or harassment Theft Absenteeism Resilience to work-related stress Production (quantity & quality)

 effects of…high turnover, significant training time and cost, product waste, and workers’ compensation claims were draining profit from the bottom line.  Reduce: ◦ Turnover ◦ Training time and expense ◦ Nonconforming product ◦ Cost of Workers’ compensation claims

Implemented ACT WorkKeys assessments for skills and integrity ◦ Skills assessments  EEOC and ADA compliant ◦ Integrity assessment measures:  General Work Attitude  Risk Reduction

 The Results  Turnover in one department: ◦ 2009: 13 terminations at a cost of $215,000 ◦ 2010: 12 terminations at a cost of $188,000 ◦ 2011: 1 termination  Workers’ compensation expense reduction—95% over two years: ◦ 2009: $300,000 ◦ 2011: $15,000  Nonconforming product expense reduction: 80% over two years  Safety: Currently experiencing the best run without a lost-time injury in the company’s history

Hiring? Promotion? Employee Development?

 Less Experienced  Less Committed  Distracted  Looking for income and direction  Trainable (Prove It!)  They are The Future! How do we make the best employee selection/investment and reduce on-job risk behaviors? Emerging Workforce …

Confirming the presence of Foundational skills (needed to learn and accomplish job tasks) Ability to pay attention to steps in a process (Observation) Find and insert information (Locating Information) Technology (mechanical, industrial) Listening for Understanding (spoken instructions) Performance/Integrity (choices and behaviors) Integrity Risky Behaviors

RResearch repeatedly has shown the validity of integrity tests for predicting: ooverall job performance ccounterproductive work behaviors rrisk-taking behaviors This validity has been documented across a variety of work settings, job applicants, and incumbent employees. Technical Guide showing validation process and results is available. Contact S. Becker at to request electronic version.

Risk Reduction : Focus on avoidance of work- related accidents and unnecessary risk taking in a work environment, as well as organizational conduct that may impact the individual or others. IMPACTS: ◦ Work-related accidents ◦ Working under the influence ( alcohol or drugs) ◦ Outbursts of physical or verbal aggression ◦ Coworker complaints about conduct or harassment

 General Work Attitudes : Has been shown to predict counterproductive work behaviors, task and job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors. IMPACTS: Prevalence of theft Productivity Absenteeism Resilience to work-related stress Team orientation Employee work satisfaction

 Number of Items 55  Test Length minutes  Delivery: On-Line May be administered on-site by your personnel  This online prescreening integrity test flags a tendency toward unsafe work behaviors and attitudes toward work. It measures general work performance such as prevalence of theft, absenteeism, and resilience to work-related stress.  It also screens for unsafe work behaviors such as working under the influence of alcohol/drugs, outbursts of physical or verbal aggression, and risky behavior that may lead to work-related accidents.

Risk Reduction: Tendency to avoid engaging in risky behaviors, such as noncompliance with safety rules and conflict with supervisors and coworkers. General Work Attitudes— Attitude toward work tasks, coworkers, the organization itself, and other work-related behaviors.

A candidate may be an employee who: Is consistently agreeable with coworkers and supervisors Is always conscientious about completing work on time Is always honest with coworkers and supervisors Will make appropriate use of company assets under most circumstances Consistently follows safety rules and procedures Is consistently alert to job risks Is very unlikely to engage in inappropriate interpersonal behaviors such as aggression or hostility

A candidate with a “M ODERATE ” General Work Attitudes score may be an employee who: May be disagreeable with coworkers or supervisors under stressful circumstances Is usually conscientious about completing work on time Is usually honest with coworkers or supervisors Will make appropriate use of company assets under most circumstances A candidate with a “M ODERATE ” Risk Reduction score may be an employee who: Usually follows safety rules and procedures May be inconsistently alert to job risks Is unlikely to engage in inappropriate interpersonal behaviors, such as aggression or hostility

A candidate with a “L OW ” General Work Attitudes score may be an employee who: x May be disagreeable with coworkers or supervisors on a regular basis x Regularly lacks conscientiousness about completing work on time x May be occasionally dishonest with coworkers or supervisors x May misuse company assets under some circumstances x May fail to follow safety rules and procedures on a regular basis x Is not always alert to job risks x May engage in inappropriate interpersonal behaviors such as aggression and hostility A candidate with a “L OW ” Risk Reduction score may be an employee who:

Integrity Performance Assessment  General Work Attitudes  Risk Reduction Skills Assessments  Workplace Observation  Locating Information  Listening for Information  Applied Mathematics  Applied Technology  Reading for Information  Teamwork  Writing

Potential for significant savings for your organization! Sherri Becker Human Resource Development Authorized ACT WorkKeys Job Profiler

Potential for significant savings for your organization! Sherri Becker Human Resource Development Authorized ACT WorkKeys Job Profiler