Rules for Digital Citizenship By: Mrs. Hackett’s PM Block
Group 1.1 Post things responsibly (no bad words) because if you post one bad thing then your whole life could be changed forever. If you post something about someone else it could really hurt their feelings and you can’t delete it.
Group 2 Don’t EVER put ANYTHING private information online. Because they might be able to track you down by using that information! full name
Group 3 Dont be inappropriate online because it will follow you your whole life and eventually come back to haunt you. Dont go on a site that you don’t know of.
Group 4 Don’t post anything inappropriate Or that other people might be offended. these would be apropriate to post Josh and Jt
Group 5 Don’t go to websites that you don’t know of. It is important not go to websites that you don’t know of because if you do you may get hacked.
Group 6 Keep your private information to yourself so people don’t hack into your account, steal your money, hack you until you're broke, go on shopping sprees with your money, and ruin your life. All of this is a possibility if you are not careful about your private information on the internet.
GROUP 7 Don’t cyber bully people online because everyone will think you are horrible person.SO DON’T CYBER BULLY!!!!!