by Prof. Lydia Ayers Kokopeli
Kazoo Play by humming and paper gives a buzz A comb covered with plastic can give a pretty good imitation of a kazoo erkazoo.html?OVRAW=kazoo&OVKEY=ka zoo&OVMTC=standard
Bamboo Flutes Cracks repaired with wood filler and duck tape some flutes made by Lydia Ayers
Nose Flutes Koauau – New Zealand nose flute Hawaiian nose flutes by Kala Willis Nguru – New Zealand nose or mouth flute Ohe Hano Ihu -- Hawaiian nose flute –originally used for courtship
New Zealand Instruments Puutoorino: flute/trumpet, widest in the middle and more narrow at both end sides. a soundhole in the middle, mostly in the shape of an eight, is the open mouth of a sculptured face. another face, a tiki (men/spirit) or a manaia (men/bird), is carved near the mouthpiece. player places his hand over the soundhole to change the tones. originally announced the arrival of a tribal chief. Richard Nunns’ Puutoorino
Buffalo Horn Trumpet To Diep: Buffalo horn from the Bahnar people in Vietnam live demo
Who Performs Music? Professional or amateur? – Solo from Dizzy Gillespie, Tour de Force Dizzy Gillespie music/mgall3/dizzy.htm
How Should a Musician Dress? Not all societies agree on what is beautiful….. Societies have musical sound qualities and performance practices that they prefer. nment/images/ho_star_wars2_h.jpg Australian Didgeridoo PlayersMusicians in Star Wars
Didjeridoo An aerophone made of a tree branch that has been hollowed principally by termites, or of bamboo Unsanded Didgeridu
Didgeridoo Used on secular as well as religious occasions The dot-paintings on the instrument have a mythological origin related to the artist’s personal Dreaming
Didgeridoo Circular breathing –players can perform continuously without stopping for breath
Ngalko Dance of the Kangaroo, with didgeridoo The kangaroo searches for yams, Searches for yam vines. Searching, It wanders around until dawn. The night begins to fall. Searching for yams it wanders in the bush. The hunter shoots it. The yams it holds in its mouth drop.
Trumpets Tubes –Cardboard –Bamboo –Wood –Metal –PVC (plastic) Water Bottles Garden Hoses Sea Shells
Double Reeds Kèn môc (wooden oboe), kèn bầu (gourd oboe), etc. Saranai (shawm) Instrument of the Vietnamese Cham people Central part is bamboo Both ends are water buffalo horn Circular breathing produces continuous sound Saranai and trong ki nang (drum)
Bagpipes Web pages: Bagbpiper Sandy Boyd, Scotland and Nova Scotia (Canada)