Landmarks of the Maxilla Juan F. Yepes, DDS, MD, MPH Assistant Professor Division of Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine and Oral Radiology Chandler Medical Center University of Kentucky College of Dentistry Spring 2009
Landmarks of the Maxilla Acknowledgment Dr. Axel Ruprecht, for his mentorship and support
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Incisive Foramen Nasopalatine Foramen
Landmarks of the Maxilla Intermaxillary Suture Midpalatine Suture Median Palatine Suture
Landmarks of the Maxilla
< 10mm
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Incisive Foramen Incisive Canal Cyst
Landmarks of the Maxilla
>10 mm Nasopalatine Canal Cyst
Landmarks of the Maxilla Incisive Fossa and Canine Fossa
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Nasal Structures Soft Tissue of the NoseSoft Tissue of the Nose Anterior Nasal SpineAnterior Nasal Spine Nasal SeptumNasal Septum Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae)Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae) Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae)Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae) Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati)Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati) Common Meatus (Common Meati)Common Meatus (Common Meati) Floor of the NoseFloor of the Nose
Landmarks of the Maxilla Nasal Structures Soft Tissue of the Nose Alar Catrilage Medial Crus Anterior Nasal Spine Nasal Septum Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae) Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae) Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati) Common Meatus (Common Meati) Floor of the Nose
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Nasal Structures Soft Tissue of the Nose Anterior Nasal Spine Nasal Septum Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae) Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae) Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati) Common Meatus (Common Meati) Floor of the Nose
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Floor of Nose Anterior Nasal Spine Nasal Septum Crista Galli Cribriform Plate Ethmoid Air Cells Crista Galli Pneumatization Inferior Concha
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Nasal Structures Soft Tissue of the Nose Anterior Nasal Spine Nasal Septum Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae) Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae) Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati) Common Meatus (Common Meati) Floor of the Nose
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Nasal Structures Soft Tissue of the Nose Anterior Nasal Spine Nasal Septum Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae) Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae) Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati) Common Meatus (Common Meati) Floor of the Nose
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Nasal Structures Soft Tissue of the Nose Anterior Nasal Spine Nasal Septum Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae) Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae) Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati) Common Meatus (Common Meati) Floor of the Nose
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Nasal Structures Soft Tissue of the NoseSoft Tissue of the Nose Anterior Nasal SpineAnterior Nasal Spine Nasal SeptumNasal Septum Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae)Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae) Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae)Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae) Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati)Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati) Common Meatus (Common Meati)Common Meatus (Common Meati) Floor of the NoseFloor of the Nose
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Nasal Structures Soft Tissue of the NoseSoft Tissue of the Nose Anterior Nasal SpineAnterior Nasal Spine Nasal SeptumNasal Septum Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae)Nasal Fossa (Nasal Fossae) Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae)Inferior Concha (Inferior Conchae) Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati)Inferior Meatus (Inferior Meati) Common Meatus (Common Meati)Common Meatus (Common Meati) Floor of the Nose
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Y Line of Ennis
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Maxillary Sinus
Landmarks of the Maxilla Zygomatic recess Palatal recess Alveolar recess At birth
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Zygomatic Process of the Maxilla Malar Process of the Maxilla
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Hamular Process of the Medial Plate of the Pterygoid Process of the Sphenoid Bone
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Maxillary Tuberosity
Landmarks of the Maxilla
Coronoid Process of the Mandible
Landmarks of the Maxilla