FTUB Federation of Trade Unions- Burma
FTUB - Structure PRESIDENT General Secretary Assistant General Secretary Regional Secretaries Officers Women Department
The president U Hla Oo Member of Parliament National league for Democracy Party
General Secretary U Maung Maung
Assistant General Secretary Dr. Zaw Win Aung New Delhi India
Regional Secretaries Thai Burma Border Area Regional Secretary – Maesort Regional Secretary – SanKala Buri India-Burma Border area Regional Secretary – Moreh Regional Secretary – Impha Regional Secretary - Aizawl
Operation Area Bala Ko Gyi Hla Tun Min Lwin Zar Ni Thawe
Offices Bangkok Head Office- Thailand New Delhi Office- India Australia United States of America Japan
Current Condition Plantation worker unions Education worker unions Health worker unions Gem cutting & developing worker unions Textile &garment worker unions Railway worker unions
Need to promote Meeting Internal meeting Congress Registration Movement
Activity Inside Burma Organizing Education Communication Documentation Movement
Affiliate Unions Federation of Trade Unions– Chinland Naga Labour Union Rakhine General Workers’ Union Sea Fearers’ Union Handloom Workers’ Union Railway Workers’ Union Inland Transport Workers’ Union Migrant Karen Labour Union
Constitution of FTUB Preamble The FTUB declares its aims to be: Membership Governing Bodies Congress Voting Special Session (or) Extraordinary Congress Representation
Executive Board (EB) Structure of EB President Vice President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary
Others- Outside Burma International Relation Migrant workers Issue International Campaigns Documentation and Analysis ILO Pro-democracy Movement
Next chapter ILO and Burma
ILO & BURMA Burma got Independence in Since 1948, Burma is a member of ILO. 1st attended at 31th ILC in 1948.
What is ILO? Established in 1919 Aims ~ (To promote social justice, better living & working conditions UN specialized institution Tripartite ( Govt + Employer + Worker)
Burma Ratified Conventions & Recommendations Total only 21Conventions Ratified out of 71 Conventions and 73 Recommendations.
The Violations - Convention 87 Freedom of Association and Protection of Rights of Organize - Convention 29 Forced Labour - Convention 138 Child Labour
Military Junta Done Forced Labour Forced Relocation Do not Allowed Free Trade Union Formation & Registration Child Labour Use Child Soldier Denied Worker & Trade Union Rights
Camp Entry Expire Remain Thanun Myo Thit Bandulla Kanbaung Sayasan Razajo Razajo Total Forced Labor Concentration Camps in Western Burma Source: Tamu Township peace and Dev:Council official report-1999
The Ratio of Death and alive ( 6 months )
FTUB-ID-1 FARMER RIGHTS STATE / DIVISION: MON STATE ADDRES: Weh Yet (Ywar Thit) Thanbyuzayat township, Mon State. NAME: Naing Aung Shane (FL--C8) AGE: 63 years SEX: Male MARIAL STATUS: Married / 7 Children EDUCATION: xxxxxxxxx ETHNICITY: Mon OCCUPATION: Farmer VIOLATED UNIT/ BASE: The agriculture office and the chairperson of the village. CASE AND SENTENCE - xxxxxxxxxxxxx PRISONER IN xxxxxxxxxxxxx INTERVIEW / REPORT BY- FTUB Documentation unit: Sankhala Buri DATE:
FTUB-ID-1 FARMER RIGHTS STATE / DIVISION : MON STATE ADDRESS: Kanni Village, Ye township. NAME: (NaingKyaw) FL-Doc-C 1 AGE: 50 years SEX: Male MARIAL STATUS: Married / 3 Children EDUCATION: xxxxxxxxx ETHNICITY: Mon OCCUPATION: Farmer VIOLATED UNIT/BASE: Major Win Myint of LIB (61) CASE AND SENTENCE: xxxxxxxxxxxxx PRISONER IN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx INTERVIEW / REPORT BY-FTUB Documentation unit: Sankhala Buri DATE :
FTUB DONE Documentation of Forced Labour Prepare Report Addressed the issue in ILO since 1992 General Secretary - FTUB at ILO Conference
ILO ACTION ILO decided to send Commission of Enquire to Burma. But, Military Junta denied.
Military Junta Response Remove some repressive order at state level Town & village Act, Made New Order 1/99 and 1/99 annex But these are cosmetic.
ILO Action (73 rd ILC ) -De-facto expulsion -No cooperation – No assistance To review Economic & Political relationship to Burma Burma agreed to accept commission of enquiry to Burma.
ILO Action – ILO High delegation go to Burma - 4 persons - 3 weeks in Burma - Report back to ILO – Forced Labour is still existed, no satisfaction on Junta response in Forced Labour issue
ILO Action – ILO High delegation - To open ILO office in Rangoon but Burmese Junta only accept to open a liaison office - Opened Liaison office & appointed Mr. Leon de Riedmatten (Now Mr. Richard Horsey)
ILO ACTRAV training to FTUB In Turin
ILO Training in Bakok
ILO Training In New Delhi