Norse Creation By: P.J. and Logan
The Creator ●Ymir was born from poisonous ice. ●Ymir became father of all giants. ●Ymir fell asleep and his left arm covered in sweat ●Ymir was born from a block of ice and so was the great cow Audumla.
9 worlds ●Odin and brothers use Ymir's body to create universe ●Flesh=earth ●blood=sea ●skull=heaven ●eyebrows= middle earth (humans) ●hair=trees ●“world tree” connects everything with roots
Sons and Daughters Buri had a son whose name was Bor, who went on to marry Ymir's daughter, Bestla. With her, he fathered the three gods Odin, Vili and Ve. Ymir sons and daughters were made by him after sucking from Audumla under belly.
Odin ●Father of Thor (god of thunder) ●Guardian of Asgard ●supreme Norse god
Odins rise to power The sons of the giants revolted and killed Ymir, so much blood came from his body that it filled abyss and drowned the other giants. Beregelmir and his wife who managed to set sail on a small boat to make their escape.
Heimdall He is the god of the Bifrost and guards the rainbow bridge from earth to Asgard.
Man Odin saw two twisted dead trees and made man and women from them and gave them breath.Hoenir gave them souls and reason.Lodur gave them warmth and color of life.
Compared to Other Myths ●Tree ●Son overthrow fathers for power ●created man by three sons ●created from body
works cited ●Redmond, Shirley R. Norse Mythology. N.p.: Gale, Cengage Learning, Print ●Norse Mythology. Timeless myths, n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 20 ●4Gill, N S. Creation of the World - Norse Mythology on the Creation of the World. N.p., Web. 2 Sept ●Sheppared, Norman. The Norse Gods. N.p., 12 May Web. 2 Sept ●Norse Creation myth. Angelfire, n.d. Web. 2 Sept