Central Idea of Play What the story is about in 25 words or less
Medea Example
This is a story about a woman who seeks revenge for her husband’s betrayal.
Protagonist The central idea revolves around this person The person who sets the action in motion The person whose desire moves the play forward
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof example: Brick
Antagonist The person who keeps the protagonist from getting what he or she wants
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Maggie What does she keep Brick from doing?
Major Dramatic Question? The question that is posed at the beginning of the play and is not answered until the end. All the events that happen help to answer or give clues as to how the question will be answered
Example: Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Will Brick sleep with Maggie?
Inciting Incident That which happens before the play that sets the play in motion
Example: Medea Jason leaves Medea for Creusa
Point of attack The point in the play in which the dramatic action begins The “dramatic action” is the action that relates to the central idea The protagonist must be in the scene
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof: Maggie offers to rub Brick down with alcohol. Maggie attempts to be intimate with Brick.
Rising Action Everything that happens in the play until the climax Your summary should cover all the events in the rising action
Complications Turing points or crises Narrowing of possibilities for the protagonist Events that help answer the dramatic question
Medea Examples: (not all inclusive) Jason refuses to allow the kids to stay with him Creon bans Medea and gives her one day Ageus says that he won’t help Medea get to Athens
Climax The last complication/crisis that answers the dramatic question
Medea example: She kills her kids
Denouement Ties up the play
: Medea example: The chariot takes Medea away
Medea example:
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Example: The light switch is turned off