Slide 1 BREF on Emissions from Storage Tallinn, March 2007
Slide 2 Contents Scope Conclusions Storage and handling modes Emission control measures Assessment methodology BAT examples Storage and handling modes Emission control measures BAT examples
Slide 3 Scope Solids, liquids and liquefied gases Storage modes Transfer and handling techniques Process control equipment Abatement techniques Safety This is a horizontal BREF
Slide 4
Slide 5 Storage techniques Liquids and liquefied gases Chapter 3 describes: 11 different tank types + equipment Storage of containers Basins and lagoons Caverns Floating storage and identifies their main emission sources
Slide 6 Chapter 3 describes: Piping systems Pumps and compressors Flanges and valves Transfer & handling techniques Liquids and liquefied gases
Slide 7 Emission Control Measures (ECM) Liquids and liquefied gases Chapter 4 describes ECM to prevent and/or reduce emissions: > 90 ECM for storage > 30 ECM for transfer and handling
Slide 8 Emission Control Measures (ECM) Liquids and liquefied gases ECM for a fixed roof tank described in Chapter 4: Management tools, design, inspections Techniques for reducing emissions to air: tank colour internal floating roofs vapour balancing/treatment
Slide 9 Emission Control Measures (ECM) Liquids and liquefied gases ECM for a fixed roof tank described in Chapter 4: Techniques for reducing emissions to soil: corrosion and erosion double tank bottoms double wall tanks containment
Slide 10 ECM assessment methodology Liquids and liquefied gases A scoring system to determine the best performing ECM, or combination of ECM, for each specific storage mode. The scores relate to: The emission reduction potential of the ECM being considered The ‘operational features’ of the ECM The cost to install and to operate the ECM
Slide 11 ECM assessment methodology Liquids and liquefied gases Conclusion of the 2 nd TWG meeting: This methodology is not BAT This methodology is mentioned in the introduction of Chapter 5 BAT, as detailed as possible, are concluded
Slide 12 BAT on storage tanks Liquids and liquefied gases Example: BAT identified for all tanks are on: Inspection and maintenance Tank colour Monitoring of VOC Risk-based approach to emissions to soil Containment; bunds, double wall tanks Fire protection/fire-fighting equipment
Slide 13 BAT on storage tanks Liquids and liquefied gases Example: BAT for a fixed roof tank For volatile substances which are toxic, very toxic or CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductive toxic) categories 1 and 2: BAT is to apply a vapour treatment installation For other substances: BAT is to apply a vapour treatment installation, or to install an internal floating roof BAT associated emission levels are given
Slide 14 BAT on storage tanks Liquids and liquefied gases Split views are reported on the: 1. Monitoring of VOC 2. Vapour treatment of certain substances 3. ECM assessment methodology
Slide 15 Province of Zeeland, Netherlands Ineke Jansen Head Environmental Department 220 sites; about 50 IPPC installations
Slide 16 Solids
Slide 17 Storage techniques Solids Chapter 3 describes: Open storage Sacks and bulk bags Silos and bunkers Packaged dangerous solids
Slide 18 Transfer & handling techniques Solids Chapter 3 describes: The construction and reclaiming of heaps Loading and unloading devices: grabs hoppers fill pipes several types of conveyors
Slide 19 Emission Control Measures (ECM) Solids Chapter 4 describes ECM to prevent and/or reduce dust emissions: ~ 20 ECM for storage of solids ~ 40 ECM for transfer and handling
Slide 20 Emission Control Measures (ECM) Solids ECM for open storage described in Chapter 4: Sheds or roofs Large volume silos + dust filters Covering of the surfaces Wind protection methods Spraying of water with or without additives
Slide 21 Emission Control Measures (ECM) Solids ECM for handling described in Chapter 4: Weather conditions Roads with hard surfaces Cleaning of roads and tyres Closed conveyor systems Spraying of water with or without additives
Slide 22 BAT on storage of solids BAT for open storage is: Closed storage + dust abatement BAT on short term open storage: Moistening with water or dust binding substances Covering the surface, e.g. with tarpaulins BAT on long term open storage: Moistening with dust binding substances Covering the surface, e.g. with tarpaulins Solidification or grassing over of the surface
Slide 23 BAT on handling of solids Examples of BAT: Applying continuous transport modes Using roads with hard surfaces + cleaning Moistening drift sensitive, wettable products Minimising speed of descent and free fall height, e.g. using height adjustable cascade tubes
Slide 24 BAT on handling of solids BAT example on conveyors For non drift sensitive and moderately drift sensitive, wettable products, BAT is to apply an open conveyor For other products and for new situations, BAT is to apply a closed conveyor
Slide 25 BAT on solids There are no split views on the BAT conclusions on solids.
Slide 26 Conclusions The TWG reached a high degree of consensus on the BREF document and on the BAT conclusions Five split views were reported in the liquids and liquefied gases part of the document; no split views on solids A useful document for the permitwriter The Province of Zeeland is offering you practical help in your permitwriting processes