NFPA 5000 - Chapter 6 Chapter 6 is used to classify the occupancy and the hazard contents Proper classification is used to guide the implementation of the standards using the prescriptive based approach
NFPA 5000 - Chapter 7 Chapter 7 is used to determine the appropriate building construction fire resistance ratings, maximum numbers of stories, and square footage. Table 7.4.1 provides the allowable number of stories for sprinklered and unsprinklered buildings The allowable square footage is the maximum allowed per story but this can be increased based upon frontage access and sprinkler systems.
Industrial Occupancies – NFPA 5000 Chapter 29 – 29.1.5 – Minimum Construction Requirements Chapter 7 – Construction Types Chapter 8 - Fire-Resistive Materials Chapter 13 - Encroachments Chapter 14 – Safeguards During Construction Chapter 31 - Special Structures Chapter 35 - Structural Design Chapter 36 – Soils, Foundations Chapter 37 - Exterior walls Chapter 38 - Roof construction Chapter 39 – Floods Chapter 40 – Quality Assurance
Chapter 8 – Fire-Resistive Materials 8.2.2 Prescriptive Requirements Wall, Floors, Roofs Refers back to Chapter 7 with regards to fire resistance ratings Three main classifications of fire wall Firewalls: A wall subdividing a building or separating buildings with a fire resistance and structural stability. Fire barrier walls: A wall, other than a fire wall, having a fire resistance rating. High challenge firewalls: A wall subdividing a building or separating buildings with enhanced fire resistance, enhanced appurtenance protection, and structural stability.
Chapter 8 – Fire-Resistive Materials Horizontal Assemblies Ducts, dampers Opening Protection Fire doors and windows Vertical Openings Concealed Spaces
Chapter 13 Encroachments Establishes boundaries for buildings to property lines and public right of ways Sky bridges
Chapter 14 – Safeguards During Construction Protection of utilities Use of explosives Temporary lighting Also refers to NFPA 241: Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations
Chapter 31 - Special Structures Underground Structure for more than 50 people Limited Access Structures Vehicles and Vessels attached to a structure Open Structures(Outdoor processing facilities) Towers Water Surrounded Structures
Chapter 35 - Structural Design Load Factors Live loads Dead Loads Seismic activity Snow loads Flood loads
Dead Loads Material, equipment, or components that are relatively constant throughout the structure's life Walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways, built-in partitions, finishes, cladding and other similarly incorporated architectural and structural items, and fixed services equipment
Live Loads All the forces that are variable within the building’s normal operation cycle Moveable loads Wind load Snow load Rain load Earthquake load Flood load
Chapter 37 - Exterior walls Standards for the design and construction of exterior walls Weather resistance Parapets Window wells Decks and balconies
Chapter 38 - Roof construction Design and construction of roofs and roof structures Hail Wind Drainage Shingles Flashing
Chapter 39 – Flood-Resistant Design and Construction Flood exposure based upon: Special flood hazard area determined by FEMA’s the most recent Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Area subject to flooding based upon the jurisdiction’s flood mapping or any area designated any other legal entity Standards address aspects such as foundations, flood openings, etc.
Chapter 40 – Quality Assurance Structures that fall under a Registered Design Professional (RDP) Jurisdiction requires a RDP design the structure Some exceptions: e.g.: One and two family dwellings A QA program should be developed and implemented Inspections, tests, etc.