By Coby Malaki Mary Mina
The Chickasaw Indians live in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri. They live in homes with rectangular sides and a triangular roof. The Chickasaws build their home near water. Chickasaw families owned both summer and winter homes. The Chickasaw used wooden poles to construct a frame. The summer home was divided down the center into two rooms. Years later pioneers used this design for log cabins. They had rectangular sides a steep roof. The winter homes had a circular roof and had a hole in the top of the roof because to let the smoke out when they made a fire. Homes
Clothing A breechcloth is a long rectangular piece of a tanned deerskin,cloth, or animal fur.
Food and survival The Chickasaw Indians hunted Buffalo, Deer, and Bear. They trapped smaller animals such as rabbits, squirrels, ducks, and geese.
transportation The Chickasaw Indians made long dugout canoes from hallowed out logs. Over land, the Chickasaws used dogs as packed animals.
Fun facts/ war The Chickasaws sometimes had to fight to protect their land and families. Before a war began several rituals took place to prepare Chickasaw warriors for the battle.
Contact with Europeans The Chickasaws first met Europeans in that December, spaniard hernando do soto’s expedition reached the tombigbee river in present day mississippi.
Tishomingo was a skilled Chickasaw warrior and chief. He was proudly fought to protect his people and their land. Fames person
Long ago the Chickasaws lived in the Western North America. They were unhappy their so they asked the great spirit for help. Myths
I Found my information from kid I used the book Chickasaw. It was by Barbara A. Credits