Noah Garrison, Natural Resources Defense Council May 15, 2013 Greening New Orleans: Stormwater in the Urban Landscape
Land-Use in the Chino Basin Wildermuth Environmental
Impervious Surface
Stormwater Runoff: Impairment and Flooding Dan Marschka LA Times California Coastal Commission
Rooftops to Rivers II Demonstrates how cities use green infrastructure to improve stormwater management and achieve multiple benefits. The report includes: – Economic benefits of green infrastructure – Case studies on 14 cities – Encouragement for EPA to learn from the work of these cities and advance these solutions nationwide
NRDC’s Emerald City Metric
Philadelphia 8 Green City, Clean Waters plan – creating an urban network of GI over the next 25 years -- the most comprehensive found in any U.S. city. $2.4 Billion
The Philadelphia Story: Green City Clean Waters City Requires management of the first 1-inch of rainfall by infiltration Plan is unique among US cities because it: o Requires that thousands of acres be retrofitted with green infrastructure, citywide. At least one-third of impervious area served by combined sewer system transformed into “greened acres” -- nearly 10,000 acres.
11 Portland, OR Retention standard – January 2011: new development and redevelopment projects must capture and treat 80% of the average annual runoff volume on site Toronto, Canada Requires buildings over 2,000 sq meters to incorporate a green roof Implemented a mandatory downspout disconnect program
12 Los Angeles, CA Retention standard – runoff from the 85 th percentile, 24- hour storm Development of less than one-acre (as little as 500 square feet of impervious surface) must incorporate LID BMPs EPA / Abby Hall Haan-Fawn Chau
NRDC: A Clear Blue Future
Feasibility of Retention Investigation of the Feasibility and Benefits of Low-Impact Site Design Practices Applied to Meet Various Potential Stormwater Runoff Regulatory Standards – Dr. Richard Horner
Green Roofs
National Research Council's Institute for Research in Construction Green Roofs Retain Runoff A green roof with a 3 – 4 inch soil layer can generally retain 0.5 – 1 inch of rainfall from a storm event. Estimated retention rates for green roofs across the U.S. generally range from 40 to 80 percent of total annual rainfall volume.
Green Roofs (and cool roofs) Reduce Energy for Building Cooling Temperature on a dark, conventional roof may exceed ambient air temperatures by 90°F or more on a sunny day. Green roofs provide shade and evaporative cooling that can reduce building cooling energy by 10 to 25 percent on average, or as high as 75 percent depending on building characteristics.
LID is Cost Effective … National Association of Home Builders: