Your Task On each slide there will be a picture and optional answers. Look at the picture carefully, examining the characteristics and choose the answer you think is most suitable.
` a) Vaulted hut b) Sleeping platform c) Rain Shelter d) Lean-to
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Spot on! A vaulted hut is positioned on the ground and has a rounded roof. You may have used the fire near the entrance as a clue. Great job looking at the characteristics!
a) Flat roofed house b) Sleeping platform c) Lean-to shelter d) Shade house
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This is a tricky one because yes, it does have a flat roof but look at some other characteristics.
You got it! A sleeping platform can have a flat roof or a peaked roof so this one was a little bit tricky but the hut was lifted off the ground, offering a great spot for the smouldering fire.
a) Rain shelter b) Peak-roofed house c) Shade house d) Lean-to shelter
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Great job! It wasn’t a peak-roofed house because it did not have walls coming to the roof. It is a basic shelter on the ground which means it has to be a shade house.
Fast Finishers If you have completed all of the activities, find a partner in the room who also has and try drawing a humpy for them to guess. Remember to put in detail, it is the detail that helps people to know what sort of humpy it is.