SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANTS Vaiser srl develops innovative projects in the field of renewable energy, with particular attention to the installation of solar photovoltaic systems in various sectors ranging in agriculture, construction, industrial, public and private companies in Italy and around the World. Our Company cooperates with other Companies placed in Italy, Belgium and Spain becoming leaders in the production of equipment and accessories for the construction industry. Focus on expertise and continuous innovation in the primary characteristics of an evolving market such as photovoltaics are at the heart of the economic development of society.
_ SOLAR_ HEAT PLANTS Systems offered by Vaiser srl develop in all technologies based on the concepts and principles of renewable energy. Among them you find also plants for the production of hot water and / or supplement to floor heating. Even in this case Vaiser srl ranges in all sectors (from public and private, industrialist). The plants can be both partial integration (on the roof) or total integration of the building (see examples).
INFRARED HEATING PANELS Vaiser srl also suggests infrared heating panels. These panels allow an alternative heating, uniform and healthy (since the properties of the infrared rays of the sun), without burning oxygen and pollution because electric. Connected to a photovoltaic system they provide free heating. Panels are presented as pictures and find their use in various fields (hospitals - sauna - gym - restaurants - riding - farms - schools – industries).
PROVIDED SERVISES: ENGINEER - OPERATING - ADMINISTRATIVE - FINANCIAL Vaiser srl in order to satisfy the demands of its customers (both public and private), relies on the support of valuable contributors. Thanks to their work, our Company is able to offer the most appropriate "turnkey" solution: the type of plant (design and verification techniques), aspect bureaucratic / administrative (management-preparation of the necessary documentation financial (loans, financing, leasing), insurance, operating - maintenance).
The main purpose of Vaiser srl is to offer the best energy solution to ensure a more ecological and economic future of you and your Company VAISER srl Tutto sulle Energie Rinnovabili Via Raffaello, San Giorgio – MN – Tel 0376/ Fax 0376/ – Cl. 338/ sito - P.I e C.F