Chapter 10 Psychosocial Development in the Play Years Michael Hoerger
Emotional Regulation “Children learn to meet society’s expectations that they ‘manage frustration’ and ‘modulate emotions’ Fewer tantrums or tears after about age 4 Discussion topic: Is it always best to “manage” your emotions?
Self-control Also called: personal control, impulse control, delaying gratification Ability to control own behavior, choose options with biggest long-term gain Outcomes: better grades, better psychological adjustment, more conscientious, better relationships
Parenting Style low – Demanding – high highIWarmthIlow IndulgentAuthoritative NeglectfulAuthoritarian
Tater tots are good Authoritative parenting is good
Michael Hoerger Michael Hoerger To cite this textbook: Berger, K. (2005). The developing person through the lifespan. New York: Worth. To cite this lecture: Hoerger, M. (2007, February 14). Developmental Psychology: Toddler Psychosocial Development. Presented at a PSY 220 lecture at Central Michigan University.