Early Childhood Transition Presenters: Kimberly Mitchell Ginger Sheppard Jessica Spataro NOVEMBER 2011
Agenda Introduction and Purpose - Ginger Transition Notification to the LEA and SEA – Jessica Transition Conference – Kim Transition Plan/IFSP – Ginger Early Childhood Transition Agreements– Ginger and Kim
Purpose Part C Application Requirement Seamless System Data Collection SPP/APR reporting
Transition Notification Prior to a toddler exiting the Part C early intervention program, if that toddler is potentially eligible for services under Part B of the IDEA, the lead agency must notify the SEA and the LEA where the toddler resides that the toddler on his or her third birthday will reach the age of eligibility for services under Part B. (§ (b)(1))
Transition Notification (§ (b)(1)) Status of Toddler Who is Potentially Eligible for Part B Lead Agency Notifies LEA / SEA Exiting Part C by age three (§ (b)(1)(i)) At least 90 days prior to toddler’s third birthday. Determined eligible for Part C 45 – 90 days prior to turning age three (§ (b)(1)(ii)) As soon as possible after the eligibility determination. Referred to lead agency less than 45 days prior to turning age three (§ (b)(1)(iii)) No evaluation / assessment / IFSP required, but MUST notify the SEA & LEA if the child may be eligible for Part B (with parental consent, if applicable, under § ).
Transition Notification The SEA/LEA notification must be consistent with any opt-out policy that the State has adopted. (§ (b)(2)) States can adopt an opt-out policy that permits a parent to object to the disclosure of the child find personally identifiable information (PII). (§§ (b)(2) and (e)) The opt-out policy includes notifying the parent of the limited disclosure of PII for child find purposes and allowing a specified period of time for the parent to object. (§§ (b)(2) and (e))
Transition Conference For a child exiting Part C and potentially eligible for Part B services, the transition conference must be held, with family approval, at least 90 days and not more than 9 months prior to the toddler’s third birthday. Required participants include the lead agency, the LEA and the family. (§ (c)(1)) For a child exiting Part C and not potentially eligible for Part B, the lead agency (with family approval) makes reasonable efforts to convene the transition conference. Required participants include the lead agency, providers of other appropriate services the toddler may receive and the family. (§ (c)(2))
Transition Conference § (c) Must be conducted with family’s approval. If the meeting to develop the transition plan and the transition conference are held together, the meeting must meet the requirements in § (a) – IFSP Team meeting and periodic review. If the transition conference is held separately from the meeting to develop the transition plan, the required participants for the conference include the lead agency, the LEA and the family.
Transition Plan Service coordination services includes facilitating the development of a transition plan. (§303.34(b)(10)) The IFSP must include a transition plan for all infants and toddlers with a disability who are exiting from Part C. (§ (d))
Procedures for Transition Plans § (d) Must be in the IFSP. Must be established not fewer than 90 days and, at the discretion of all parties, not more than 9 months before the toddler turns age three. Review of program options. Each family is included in development of the transition plan. Must include steps and services.
Procedures for Transition Plans § (d)(3) Steps to exit from Part C Child find information is transmitted to the LEA or other relevant agency. Transmission of additional information, such as the most recent evaluation, assessments and IFSP (with parental consent). Will vary depending on the program to which the child is transitioning. Services identified as needed Support transition of the child. Identified by the IFSP team. Needed by the toddler and his or her family. Discussions with and training of parents regarding future placements and other matters related to transition of their child (inc. Head Start or other preschool options).
Procedures for Transition Plans Late Referrals – days prior to the third birthday – Less than 45 days prior to the third birthday Summer birthdays (who provides services? Who pays? FAPE or not?) Combining the transition plan meeting and the transition conference (why or why not?)
Early Childhood (EC) Transition Agreements All lead agencies, including those in which the SEA is the lead agency, must establish an interagency or an intra-agency agreement between the early intervention program under Part C and the preschool program under Section 619 of the IDEA. (§ (a)(3)(ii)) These agreements must include the specific substantive Part B and Part C transition requirements and any opt-out, if an opt-out policy was adopted by the State.
Part C Requirements Transition notification (§ (b)) Transition conference to discuss services (§ (c)) Procedures for transition plan (§ (d)) – Review of program options – Family involvement in the transition plan – Steps and services Combining timely conference and the transition plan (§ (e))
Part B Early Childhood Requirements Upon referral from Part C, the LEA must provide the parent with procedural safeguards notice. (§ (a)(1)) For those children who are potentially eligible for Part B services, the LEA must participate in the transition conference. (§ )
Part B Early Childhood Requirements For a child determined eligible under Part B, the LEA must develop and implement the IEP by the third birthday. (§§ (b) and (b)) At the parent’s request, the LEA must invite the Service Coordinator to the initial IEP meeting. ( § (f)) When developing the initial IEP, the LEA must consider the IFSP. (§ (b))