Shelton School District Special Services Presentation to the School Board Federal & State Compensatory and Early Childhood Education (ECE) Overview December 14, 2010 Gail Straus Director of ECE & Federal Programs
Programs FederalStateEarly Childhood Education (ECE) Title IA Title IA – ARRA Title III (Limited English Proficient) Title X (Homeless) L.A.P. State Bilingual Early Learning Program: * Infant/Toddler Early Intervention (SpEd) * Developmental Preschool (SpEd) * E.C.E.A.P. * Bilingual Preschool Other Initiatives: * Coordination with community providers * ESD Gates Grant “Early Learning Connections” Pre – Grade 3
Title IA: Largest Title allocation to the District Allocation = $799,430 + $215,938 ARRA Funds allocated to districts based on poverty from census data Funds allocated to buildings based on grade level emphasis and poverty (free/reduced lunch)
Title IA is used for direct services at our 3 elementary buildings Purpose of $ is to help students at greatest risk of not meeting state standards, particularly in reading and math Allocations to buildings are proportional to their free/reduced count All students in each elementary eligible for Title I assistance via the “Schoolwide Model”
Title IA – 5 year Allocation Comparison Allocation Comparison 10-11$799,430 + $215,938 ARRA 09-10$776,948 + $215,938 ARRA 08-09$764, $747, $756,328
Free/Reduced Lunch Program 3 elementary schools
Free/Reduced Lunch Program 8-month average for schools
Title IA funds for pay for:
Title IA-ARRA funds for pay for:
Elementary Title I Before/After School Tutoring Program SchoolGrades served # of students / grade Subjects Summary of Services Bordeaux1 - 51: 10 2: 8 3: 22 4: 18 5: 9 Total: 67 Math Provided 1-3 days/week, depending on grade level and student. 1:1 tutoring; computer lab (Orchard Math); small group instruction (4-6/group) EvergreenK – 5 (Kinder plans to begin in January) K: 18 (anticipated) 1: 24 2: 13 3: 29 4: 28 5: 13 Total: 107 (not counting Kinder) Reading & Math for grades K-4 Math only at grade 5 Provided 2-4 days/week, depending on grade level, subject and student. 1:1 tutoring; computer lab (Successmaker); small group instruction (4-7/group) Mt. View3 - 43: 24 4: 24 Total: 48 Math Provided 2 days/week for each student Computer lab (Orchard Math); small group instruction Available funds: Title I ARRA - $67,800 (BDX & MTV=$21,400/school; EVG=$25,000
Learning Assistance Program (LAP) State $$ Designed to provide additional extended learning opportunities to low performing students in grades K-12 in reading, math and/or language arts. Can only serve students scoring I or II on MSP or HSPE Allocation of funds are based on K-12 enrollment and include “poverty factor” (F/R data); districts with more than 40% F/R district-wide receive additional funding (started 06-07)
LAP $803, $721, $764, $618, $508, $412,538 + $390,483 since 05-06
LAP funds for pay for:
LAP Services at these schools: Bordeaux and Mt. View – Picked up 1.2 Remedial Teacher/Instructional Coach lost from Title I due to district and school improvement required set asides (.7 BDX and.5 MTV) OMS – 3.0 FTE Remedial Teachers 1.0 Reading/Language Arts; 2.0 Math OBJH – 1.6 FTE Remedial Teachers 1.4 Reading/Language Arts;.2 Math SHS – 1.0 Remedial Teacher (Reading/Language Arts) 25.5 hours/day Educational Assistant time spread out at OMS, OBJH, SHS
Other Federal and State Grants GrantFundsPurpose Title III – Limited English Proficient $50,474Federal $$ Funds extra costs for LEP students and families. Cannot use for day-to-day staffing. Main emphasis is professional development, parent involvement, equal access for family involvement (ex: translating) and supplemental materials. STBIP Apportionment (based on avg. monthly count of 298 K-12 students) *Nov. ‘10 enrollment was 315 State $$ Majority of this grant (79%) pays for bilingual teachers and EA’s at the secondary level. Funds some EA time at Evergreen, some tutoring at Mt. View and Bordeaux, testing, and translating costs. Title X – Homeless (competitive grant, awarded for 3 years ) $30,000/yearFederal $$ Pays for a portion of required Homeless Liaison, required excess transportation costs, and help to families with school related expenses.
Early Learning Program 5.5 FTE in Teachers children birth through age 5 each year Program Name Funding Source Average # served each year Description of services Infant/Toddler Early Intervention State Special Education Funds (mandated by state) No enrollment cap average per year Located at Early Learning Center (ELC) at Mt. View 1.0 FTE Infant/Toddler Teacher Support Services from Occupational or Physical Therapist and Speech & Language Pathologist Serve children birth-to-age-3 with delays via home or center visits, plus toddler play group.
Early Learning Program (cont.) Program Name Funding Source Average # served each year Description of services Developmental Preschool State Special Education Funds Federal Special Education Funds (mandated by state and federal government) No enrollment cap average per year Located at Early Learning Center (ELC) at Mt. View 3.5 FTE Preschool teachers and 3 Educational Assistants serve children 3 through age 5 with delays Run 7 sessions (3 in morning & 4 in afternoon Monday-Thursday
Early Learning Program (cont.) Program Name Funding Source Average # served each year Description of services E.C.E.A.P. Early Childhood Education Assistance Program State funded through Dept. of Early Learning (we are a subcontractor for ESD 113) Children must be age 4 and meet low income Funded for 24 slots Currently fully enrolled 4 ECEAP students are integrated into 6 developmental preschool classes in the ELC Our ECEAP contract funds 3 additional EA’s to provide support in the classroom
Early Learning Program (cont.) Program Name Funding Source Average # served each year Description of services Bilingual Preschool Title IEnrollment cap Currently fully enrolled Located at Evergreen Elementary 1.0 Teacher and 2 EA’s serve 18 children in morning class, and 18 in afternoon class Monday- Thursday Children must be age 4 before September 1 and have limited or no English language skills, and reside in Shelton.