Early Childhood Programs
ECD Programs Associate in Applied Science Degree with major in Early Care and Education Early Childhood Development Certificate Child Care Management Certificate Infant & Toddler Development Certificate
Summary Quick Facts: Childcare Workers 2010 Median Pay $19,300 per year $9.28 per hour Entry-Level Education High school diploma or equivalent. Varies from state to state.2010 Median PayEntry-Level Education Number of Jobs, 2010Number of Jobs, ,282,300 Job Outlook, Job Outlook, % (Faster than average) Employment Change, ,000 Employment Change,
Tidbits ECD 101-Career Status or Enrolled in ECD SAC 101-After School Programs-6-12 years TEACH Scholarships SC Credentialing System DSS Lab Requirements CDC Center-Laboratory Child Development Ctr.
Associate in Applied Science Degree with major in Early Care and Education 65 credit hours Prepares graduates for employment in early childhood settings that serve children from birth to age 8 and their families. Gives expertise needed to plan and implement various activities for children and to lead a classroom. Program is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Associate in Applied Science Degree with Major in Early Care and Education Lab Experiences
Early Childhood Development and Certificate Designed to prepare students for entry-level jobs in the area of early childhood development The certificate courses provide basic knowledge of child growth and development and contains no general education coursework.
Child Care Management Certificate Will prepare or enhance individual for an administrative position in a child care setting Program includes studies in areas of administration, management, child development, curriculum, health/safety/nutrition, and community/family relations
Infant and Toddler Certificate Designed to help upgrade and enhance skills of infant/toddler child care professionals and open to those with no experience Training includes experiences in growth/development, curriculum issues, and supervised field experience.
Employment Opportunities for Graduates Child Care Centers Preschools-Private/Profit Head Start programs Public schools/instructional assistants Private Schools-Religious Nanny/Au Pare Private or Family Child Care Center operator or director Agencies that serve children and their families
Admission to Early Childhood Programs Requires qualifying scores on the College’s placement test, or SAT or ACT, and a high school diploma or equivalent
Course Requirements Several courses require both lecture and lab hours at the nationally accredited York Technical College Child Development Center; in some cases labs are off-campus Prior to lab entry, students must submit evidence of a negative TB test, a complete Department of Social Services letter of non-conviction, criminal background check, and medical forms and a SLED check performed.
College Admission Steps Step 1: Complete and submit the York Technical College application online.online. Step 2: Apply for Financial Aid, including Lottery Tuition Assistance at Step 3: Submit an official, final high school transcript. (High school transcripts are not required for admission to the College; however, they are required for determining eligibility for State scholarship and grant assistance and for admission to most Health and Human Services programs.) Students who do not have a recognized high school diploma or GED are not eligible for federal financial assistance. Step 4: Have official transcripts of any previous college credit earned sent to the College if evaluation of transfer credit is desired. Step 5:Take the Compass placement test. Note: COMPASS is not required for students with the following: SAT: 480 Critical Reading and 540 Math or ACT: 21 English and 23 Math. Scores must be less than 5 years old. Contact the Admissions Office if you have previous college credit to determine if the COMPASS placement test is necessary. Step 6: An acceptance letter will be mailed to you. Steps to advising, registration, and orientation will be included with your letter. If additional steps are required for acceptance, you will be contacted by and/or phone by a counselor. – First-time Freshmen: (never attended any college before) Attend an Orientation and Registration Session to schedule classes. – Former YTC and transfer students: Your program advisor will assist you with course planning and scheduling. Enrollment Services Enrollment Services is here to assist you with Admissions, Financial Aid, Records and Registration questions. Enrollment Services team members will be available in the Student Services Building or by phone Monday through Thursday from 8am to 7pm and Friday from 8 am to 5 pm at Phone:
Is Early Childhood Development for you? People who love children, have patience, compassion, mature judgment, good organizational skills, and a sense of humor would enjoy a career in early childhood development
ECD Contact Mrs. Deborah Dukes, ECD Instructor Ms. Debbie Tertinger, ECD Instructor Mr. John Hayes, Center Director Ms. Julie M. Durham Dept. Chair & Instructor HHS Div. Have a wonderful day!