Succeeding in the first 1000 days EARLY IS GOOD, EARLIER IS BETTER
Why, despite our best efforts, do we still have children in Connecticut entering school behind their peers, not fully ready to learn and succeed? Right from the Start (RFTS) is a Connecticut initiative that evolved from the outcry of parents, early care providers, advocates and a range of community stakeholders for a coordinated comprehensive early care and education delivery system. We want a system where all Connecticut children receive the early education and development support they need.
Right From The Start conversations are bringing together people in communities throughout Connecticut to identify the best approaches to address four root causes that are not receiving enough attention. We want a system : that builds a foundation for learning and development during a child’s first 1000 days – Early is Good, Earlier is Better with accessible health, mental health, and social-emotional development support – Pay Attention to the Whole Child provides all children regardless of race or economic background with the same opportunities – Mind the Opportunity Gaps where local communities are empowered to make effective decisions for their citizens – Support Local Community Action
Video Preview: Important ideas and themes: Prenatal care Attachments Brain development architecture Toxic Stress Early literacy
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What would you tell your friends who asked you about this video?
What important ideas did you hear in this video? about what children need? about parents and families? about child care providers? about health care provides? about other services? Why is this important to you?
How well are services in our community doing in meeting the needs of children and families in the first 1000 days? Which of the following approaches would do the most to make the system better?
Approach A Enhance the system of early childhood caregivers and service providers, including home visiting programs, to share important child development information and provide support for parents and families. “ Childcare providers are trusted messengers who often communicate with parents daily.”
Approach B: Increase access to maternal prenatal care and infant and toddler health care. Train and encourage health care providers to educate parents on early childhood development and to screen for developmental delays. “Doctors are in the best position to know if the child is healthy and learning appropriately; they know the best way to prevent problems.”
Approach C: Make early care and education a public policy priority. Policy makers are responsible for how well the system works, for allocating funding and deciding how families and children are served. “Building an effective system to meet the needs of all children and families requires legislators to change public policy.”
Approach A: Enhance the system of early childhood caregivers and service providers, including home visiting programs, to share important child development information and provide support for parents and families. What are the advantages of this approach? … the disadvantages of this approach?
Approach B: Increase access to maternal prenatal care and infant and toddler health care. Train and encourage health care providers to educate parents on early childhood development and to screen for developmental delays. What are the advantages of this approach? … the disadvantages of this approach?
Approach C: Make early care and education a public policy priority. Policy makers are responsible for how well the system works, for allocating funding and deciding how families and children are served. What are the advantages of this approach? … the disadvantages of this approach?
If you could choose only one of these approaches which would you choose? Why?
What was the most important idea you heard today? What do you like about that idea? Why is that important?
What did you learn or hear about today that you would like to know more about? Is there anything that you, individually, might do or do differently, as a result of today’s conversation? What would you like to see happen to follow up on today’s conversation?
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