EMBEDDING PACT SCAFFOLDING WITHIN EXISTING TEACHER EDUCATION COURSES EMBEDDING PACT SCAFFOLDING WITHIN EXISTING TEACHER EDUCATION COURSES PACT IMPLEMENTATION MEETING Pauline Holmes, UC Davis October 2007 vi. Sample PACT Scaffolding in Teacher Education Courses (UCD) This example from UC Davis discusses the program’s experience in embedding PACT in coursework.
UC Davis Single Subject English Program Context Cohort model of approximately 20 graduate students - full-time and part-time supervisors Cohort model of approximately 20 graduate students - full-time and part-time supervisors Combined credential and Master’s program Combined credential and Master’s program 5 Quarter program (3 quarters of combined student teaching and coursework, 2 more part- time quarters to complete a classroom inquiry project during first year teaching) 5 Quarter program (3 quarters of combined student teaching and coursework, 2 more part- time quarters to complete a classroom inquiry project during first year teaching) PACT completed winter quarter of first year; electronic submission PACT completed winter quarter of first year; electronic submission
Goal is Successful Teaching PACT Teaching Event promotes evaluation of effective English language arts teaching and learning cycles PACT Teaching Event promotes evaluation of effective English language arts teaching and learning cycles Understanding context of classroom - students & curriculum nexus Understanding context of classroom - students & curriculum nexus Planned series of lessons around key ideas (standards, themes, linked skills) Planned series of lessons around key ideas (standards, themes, linked skills) Implementation of the lessons Implementation of the lessons Reflection and assessment of daily lessons & the series, based on student work Reflection and assessment of daily lessons & the series, based on student work Planning for next steps Planning for next steps
Sample Course Modifications to Provide PACT Scaffolding I. Curriculum units Added focus on cases of student work for analysis II. Video taping Earlier and repeated exposure to being filmed Provide evidence of student understanding & support for academic literacy III. Practice with an array of assessment strategies Work on concepts and applications of assessment components in several courses (literacy, English methods, effective teaching, seminars) Work on concepts and applications of assessment components in several courses (literacy, English methods, effective teaching, seminars)
Course Assignments that Scaffold Teaching Event Tasks PACT Element CourseAssignment/ Activity Performance Skill Context description Cultural Diversity (Fall) Inquiry Research Methods - (Winter) Community Study Context description Gathering and reporting on school and community data to inform instruction PlanningEffective Teaching (Fall) Secondary Language Arts Methods (Fall) Weekly Seminars Curriculum concepts, Unit and lesson development, Peer analyses of lessons, Strategies analyses Creation of lessons with distinct sections, incorporating ELA standards, use analysis of student performances Academic Language Secondary LA Methods (Fall) Effective Teaching (Fall) Literacy - (Fall) AL readings & discussion, Language development plans, Video teaching analyses Planning & implementing language development & assessment strategies to support access to core curriculum
Responses to Impact of Teaching Event English MA Students Report: general positive impact on classroom teaching -both instruction and management general positive impact on classroom teaching -both instruction and management strong peer support within cohort during Teaching Event implementation strong peer support within cohort during Teaching Event implementation need more help and/or support from resident teachers need more help and/or support from resident teachers from Spring 2007 Teacher Education Fellows survey
Challenges & Opportunities: Implications for More Coursework Focus Providing more experience with assessment options and ways to discuss results Providing more experience with assessment options and ways to discuss results Developing deeper understandings of academic language within English language arts contexts Developing deeper understandings of academic language within English language arts contexts Discussing ways to work within confines of paced and prescribed curricula Discussing ways to work within confines of paced and prescribed curricula Using Teaching Event concerns as jumping off place for inquiry projects (synergy) Using Teaching Event concerns as jumping off place for inquiry projects (synergy)