An Overview of the Compacts in Poland Zbigniew Wejcman BORIS
Local Government in Poland Since 1990 there is 2500 independent gminas (communities), with their own budget, legal statue and tasks Since 1999 there is 380 independent powiats (counties) and 16 independent voivodships (regions) with their own budget, legal statue and tasks In each of 16 regions there is a central government office There is NGOs and other civic initiatives
Local Government and NGOs co- operation history SPLOT Network centers runs processes of dialogue between LG and NGOs in 1994 First written agreements between both partners - Gdynia and Warsaw (1995) Open competitions for NGOs announced by LG for public services delivering Development of this methodology in hundreds of LG on voluntary base ( )
Public Benefit Activity and Volunteerism Law (PBA 2003) Division of labor between state and non- profit organizations in the provision of public tasks through open competitions Introduction paid statue services (beside non-paid and economical activity) Introduction of Public Benefit Organization 1% Law and other tax and financial benefits Volunteerism as legal issue
Principles of co-operation introduced by PBA Law Subsidiarity Transparency Effectiveness Competition Partnership
Co-operation Programs in PBA Law Since 2004 each local government body in Poland has an obligation to establish Program of Co-operation with NGOs on yearly base Methodology of Co-operation Programs are based on SPLOT experience since 1995 and developed by Ministry of Social Policy
Limits of Co-operation Programs They are focused on delivering public services in co-operation with non-profit organisations They describing mostly technical issues, not principles of such co-operation They are limited to two sectors, excluded privet entrepreneurs and other stakeholders Only 25% of all LG introduce this obligatory Co-operation Programs in 2004
Polish model of COMPACT Voluntary agreement between 3 sector - public administration, non-governmental organizations and business representatives Aim: co-operation for development of region and it local communities with special respect of NGOs role in this process Focusing on principles and mutual rights and obligations in the process of co-operation
Case: PACT in Warminsko- Mazurskie Region SPLOT Network produced own methodology of Compact establishing, described in handbook by Zbigniew Wejcman („Regional Pacts as a tool of Civic Dialogue”, Warsaw 2004) ESWIP Resource Centre established working group consist of representatives of all 3 sectors Draft of the Regional PACT was distributed and consult by different groups of interest in the Warminsko-Mazurskie Region
Case: PACT in Warminsko- Mazurskie Region In September 2004 PACT was signed by: Head of Regional Government Head of Voivodship Office President of NGO Council President of Counties Council President of Communities Council Marshal of Chambers of Commerce Council Head of Business Centre Club Head of Privet Entrepreneurs Union
Case: PACT in Mazowsze Region BORIS Resource Center and MAZOWIA Federation initiative Working group of representatives of key NGOs (Caritas, Red Cross), local authorities (Warsaw City Government, Radom City Government) and regional public administration (Mazowsze Voivodship Office, Mazowsze Regional Government) Five meetings and seminars since 2003
Case: PACT in Mazowsze Region PACT: “Together for Mazowsze” presented on regional conference in October 2004 PACT signed by 210 representatives of NGOs, local and regional authorities, chambers of commerce PACT is distributed to local communities in Mazowsze Region as Code of Practice
For more information SPLOT Network (13 Resource Centers for NGOs since 1994) - BORIS Association - ESWIP Association -