National Security Council Transition Team Venezuela-Iran-Russia Unity and Security Pact
Iranian leader Ahmadinejad and Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez …have been reinforcing economic and diplomatic ties via OPEC and anti-American statements
“…to this end, Mr. Chávez has made common cause with FARC, a narco-terrorist group working tirelessly to overthrow the legitimately elected democratic government of Colombia, Washington's closest ally in South America…”( WRITTEN BY TRAVIS PANTIN, WSJ Sunday, 27 July 2008 )
…Columbian terrorists would like to overthrow pro-USA government authority in their nation …President Bush has been trying to persuade the US Senate to approve CAFTA with Columbia
“… Virtually alone among world leaders, Mr. Chávez is an impassioned defender of Tehran's right to pursue nuclear technology and has even hinted he would be willing to finance it.” (WRITTEN BY TRAVIS PANTIN, WSJ Sunday, 27 July 2008 )
…the recent formal meeting between New Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev …the Russian Navy recently conducted joint military exercises with the Venezuelan Navy …followed by a Russian Warship visit to an old USA military base in the Panama Canal …symbolic of…
“…Chavez, who has forged closer ties with Moscow including arms supply and production deals, is proud to claim a "strategic alliance" with Moscow. Chavez has supported Moscow in the Georgia conflict, and stressed that: "Russia is rising up again as a global power." Cammarata Bastidas said the joint maneuvers also would include Venezuela's air force, and submarines.”
The Russian Navy sailed through the Panama Canal for the first time since WWII… …their strong military presence in the USA’s “backyard” was certainly meant to encourage Chavez, FARC, and other anti-American forces in the region …does Russia have serious designs on the Panama-Columbia- Venezuela region ?
Columbia Venezuela Panama FARC Russian Navy …our NSC security threat is based on that FARC may be getting arms from Venezuela, Iran, and Russia …if FARC could topple Columbia …there could be a “domino effect” threatening Panamanian rule as well Russian Navy
Russian Venezuelan Iranian … Unity… Oil, Arms, Hegemony ?
How should we and our NATO Allies respond to the growing military, economic, and diplomatic ties in the “VIRUS” Pact? What clandestine and/or covert actions should we utilize in order to maximize US security both in Latin America and in the Middle East? What types of clandestine and/or covert operations could we possibly deploy to thwart FARC –VIRUS ambitions including nuclear power in the regions? What information should we share with the Congress, NATO, our Asian Allies, the UN, and the media? If they demand independent statehood / Nationhood for a new “Gran Columbia” …would we grant it via Presidential “Recognition”?
This National Security Threat is code named kill the “VIRUS”
Works Cited JPEG/800px-Slava-Cruiser-DN-SC JPEG&imgrefurl= iBInb7xiDFUNg=&h=506&w=800&sz=102&hl=en&start=13&tbnid=T67xGHFrZWKrvM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq %3Drussian%2Bnavy%2Bvisits%2Bvenezuela%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN