Regional action for the growth and job policy: The Emilia-Romagna approach Lucia Cannellini University of London – 10 November 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional action for the growth and job policy: The Emilia-Romagna approach Lucia Cannellini University of London – 10 November 2005

a new scenario for European regions Globalization More competitiveness and increased competition Communitarization of policies Transfer of competences from MS to EU Progressive decentralization within the member states More competences to regions (federalism/devolution/decentralisation) Technological Development Need for more for knowledge, technology and quality Social Changes More complexity and fragmentation

the context for regions Vague task for the regional action in implementing Lisbon Strategy whit the emergence of a new Governance to deliver the LS Vague task for the regional action in implementing Lisbon Strategy whit the emergence of a new Governance to deliver the LS Involvement of regions in drafting national reference programs. Weakness of the Open Method of Coordination Weakness of the Open Method of Coordination that merely involves MS. Regions need a new multi-level approach to be more proactive towards a decision making process

Enhancement the regional dimension in the Lisbon Strategy can lead to: - Better involvement of relevant stakeholders - Improved ownership of the concept of social and economic growth - Better regulation - Quality of policy making the regional dimension

the case of Emilia-Romagna: key figures Area: 22,120 km 2 Population: 4,150,000 Per capita GDP: 29,000 € Unemployment rate: 3,1% Municipalities: 341

some more information PIACENZA PARMA MODENA FORLI’ BOLOGNA FERRARA RAVENNA RIMINI REGGIO EMILIA the regional capital + 8 main cities Enterprises: Main economic Sectors: agricultural mechanical-engineering industrial machinery (packaging) furnishing (wood factory) construction fashion (knitwear factory) health (biomedical cluster)

population spreading

the distribution of economic activities

why is it a Model? social system and quality of life universities and research centers in Emilia-Romagna economic system production system

social system and quality of life high standard of living and a widespread network for social services high level social system strong social economic cohesion relevant role of the local authorities and strong public private partnership : effective governance

universities and research centers  5 Universities (Bologna, Parma, Ferrara, Modena & Reggio Emilia, Piacenza)  students  the University of Bologna is the oldest in all over the world (1088 A.D). It is the largest university with more that students  308 research centres (292 university centers, 16 non- university centre) localized in all the region; they represent 8,3% of the Italian centers  research workers in the universities  research workers in national research centers

economic system innovation technology and knowledge good infrastructure high employment rate strong entrepreneurial system developed and consolidated “production districts”: the original "Emilia-Romagna Model”, characterized by a widespread and highly active system of small and medium-size enterprises co-operation between representatives of Local Authorities and private business operators, also represented by trade and business associations an extensive network of “Service Centers” and Business Service Agencies, Business Innovation Centers

production system point of excellence both in agricultural and industrial clusters high quality agriculture and agro-industry in the whole region European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) headquarter advanced R&D in motor and mechanics (Ferrari, Ducati, Maserati, Malaguti, Lamborghini, VM motors,…) and industrial machinery industrial districts = sector clusters (furnishing, fashion and biomedical …)

the strategic approach of Emilia-Romagna Responsibility Effectiveness Participation “ Concertazione ” = Emilia-Romagna method of coordination from dictionary book: to prepare something together with others. To take decisions (particularly in the socio-economic field) through large partnerships and agreements.

the governance instrument for improving growth and job in Emilia-Romagna  in 2004, February 18th  19 representative / actors = Regional government of Emilia-Romagna, local authorities, entrepreneur ‘s associations, trade unions, regional chambers of commerce  signed a pact  for quality growth, competitiveness, sustainable development and social cohesion in Emilia- Romagna

task of the agreement :  to strengthen cooperation between institutions and civil society  to share strategies and commitment on major economic and social issues, for the next four years ( ). a pact for quality of growth and cohesion /1

contents of the agreement : common agenda on…  economic growth and regional networks  welfare  immigration  human capital  environment a pact for quality of growth and cohesion /2

why a pact? our economy has entered a period of stagnation, we need to act upon this immediately we would like to tackle the new challenge of the global market how?  a new technological competitiveness of productive systems  a stronger promotion of the service industry  change in life style and in the labor social organization  a new governance of the demographic changeover and of migratory movement  taking into account of the new needs for an effective sustainable development

going beyond the issue of the Parmalat industry and the more general economic stagnation, also force a deep review of the relation between:  manufacturing production and financial system  banks and enterprises  saving and investment so, in short, we need also to commit the banks and the financial system

contact us Regione Emilia-Romagna Ms Cannellini Lucia European Policies Office Viale Aldo Moro, 52 – Bologna (IT) phone Mr Piccinetti Leonardo Brussels Liaison Office Avenue de l’Yser 19 B-1040 – Brussels (B) phone