South Carolina 2009 PASS May Assessment Pretest Workshop
2 WebEx Housekeeping Participant phone lines will be muted; use ‘raise hand’ or ‘chat’ features to ask questions during presentation A question/answer session will be held at the end of the session; participant phone lines will be open Manual (TAM or DTCS) references included in lower-right hand corner of the slide
3 Your South Carolina Project Team Anthony Balster Anita Deming Shar Moseng Laura Tisdell Penny Robinson Penny Robinson Nathan Caspers Evan Gedlinske
4 Direct Line Contacting DRC
5 STC/TA Training Tool Training for PASS tests given during the May assessment Available by mid-April DTCs access Tool via eDIRECT DTCs send a link to the STCs and TAs
6 May Key Dates MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 4 Materials in Districts ELA 13 Mathematics 14 Science Grades 4 &7; Science or Social Studies 3/5/6/8 15 Social Studies Grades 4 & 7 18 Make-up 19 Field Test Return Shipment 1 20 Make-up 21 Make-up 22 Make-up 25 Memorial Day SCDE Closed 2627 Return Shipment
7 Additional Material Requests Administrative Additional Materials Order Form (DTCS pg 13) Student/Teacher-Level Additional Materials Order Form (DTCS pg 15) Orders received before 4 pm EST time will be processed same day – sent via overnight delivery Districts will be charged for materials not ordered for: students on SASI January precode changes to orders submitted through online enrollment additional orders beyond the Feb 10 ordering extension
8 Materials Delivery Test materials will be delivered in two separate shipments. One shipment will include: Form A test booklets and answer documents Assessment brochures Form A Oral Administration Scripts Large-print, loose-leaf, and sign language test packets Form C Signed Administration Scripts Field test booklets and answer documents
9 Materials Delivery The other shipment will include: New student labels (operational and field test) Field test participation lists Form A Audio CD-ROMs ASL Videotapes Braille test packets Form C Braille Oral Administration Scripts
10 Inventory Materials District boxes will be white School boxes will be brown Retain original shipping boxes Verify boxes against the School Box Range Sheet TAM pg 29
11 Inventory Materials Review packing lists Verify security ranges against the security checklist Record ANY missing materials Note on security checklist Fax or discrepancy to DRC TAM pg 29
12 Security Checklists Schools and districts are responsible for maintaining control of secure test materials. Use checklists to track and monitor the distribution and receipt of test materials. District and school security checklists available in paper format and electronic format. csv (comma delimited) files posted to eDIRECT by April 27 for downloading
13 School Security Checklist
14 Manuals Test Administration Manual (TAM) Posted on SCDE Web site & eDIRECT Perforated pages: Test Security Violation Action Form (pg 11) Appendix B Forms Appendix C Tables Appendices D & F DTC Supplement Posted on SCDE Web site & eDIRECT No print copies available Score Report User’s Guide No print copies available
15 Test Booklets
16 Answer Documents
17 Answer Documents Students record responses in one scannable answer document for all subjects Icons printed for each subject: ELA Math Science Social Studies
18 Answer Documents Answer Documents: Based on January precode file Preprinted with student name Packaged by grade and distribution unit Students code form type and form number of test taken Instructions are read to students from the administration directions
19 Large-Print (Form A-LP) Large-print package includes: Test booklet TA notes Ruler (math grades 3-5) Protractor (math grade 5) Reference sheet (math grades 6-8) Periodic table (science grade 7) Pre-printed answer document provided separately Multiple-choice responses must be transcribed into answer document (p. C-13) TAM Appendix C
20 Loose-Leaf (Form A-LL) Single-sided pages are packaged in 3-ring binder Loose-leaf package includes: Test booklet Ruler (math grades 3-5) Protractor (math grade 5) Reference sheet (math grades 6-8) Periodic table (science grade 7) Pre-printed answer document provided separately Students mark all responses in the answer document. However, if a student marks in the test booklet, it must be transcribed into the AD TAM Appendix C
21 Sign Language (Form C-SL) For students who are deaf or hard of hearing Sign language package includes: Test booklet Ruler (math grades 3-5) Protractor (math grade 5) Reference sheet (math grades 6-8) Periodic table (science grade 7) Pre-printed answer document provided separately Students record all responses in the answer document If a student marks responses in the test booklet, the TA must transcribe responses into the AD TAM Appendix C
22 Braille (Form C-BR) Braille package includes: Braille test booklet Print version test booklet TA notes Ruler (math grades 3-5) Protractor (math grade 5) Reference sheet (math grades 6-8) Periodic table (science grade 7) Return these materials in the plastic bag Answer documents are packaged separately Return answer documents with scorable materials The TA must transcribe all multiple-choice responses into the answer document TAM Appendix C
23 Administration Directions Wording read to all students TAs must read aloud what is printed in bold type Provided for all subjects ELA – directions begin on page51 All other subjects - directions begin on page 65 Used with Form A test materials Also used with LP, LL, Braille, and sign language if customized administration materials are not required TAM pg 51
24 Oral Administration Oral Administration Test Booklets Shrinkwrapped by grade and subject with purple range sheets Used with forms L01 (ELA), M01 (math), S01 (science), and H01 (social studies) Form A Oral Administration Scripts Produced for all grades and subjects Audio CD-ROMs Produced for grades 5-8 all subject (for use with a computer) Expires day after scheduled administration May not be used for make-up tests TAM Appendix C
25 Customized Administration (Forms C-BR, C-SL) Braille Oral Administration Scripts Produced for all grades for Form C-BR Signed Administration Scripts Produced for all grades for Form C-SL Pidgin Signed English (PSE) and Signed Exact English (SEE) administrations available ASL Videotapes Produced for all grades for Form C-SL American Sign Language (ASL) administration TAM Appendix C
26 Labeling Answer Documents All answer documents must be identified by student name: Pre-printed (precoded) New student label (precoded) Override label (non-precoded) Answer documents not pre-printed or appropriately labeled will not be scored TAM pg 30
27 New Student Labels (precoded) 8 labels per sheet Pink-striped labels for operational Yellow-striped labels for field test Produced for new students in the SASI March update file Label includes all required student identification information TAM pg 32
28 Sample New Student Label TAM Appendix A
29 Override Labels (non-precoded) White – 8 labels per sheet Use for: students with no pre-printed answer documents answer documents with incorrect information Complete (write-in) student information requested on the label Home school version produced (DTC use only) TAM pg 32; A-1
30 Sample Override Label TAM Appendix A
31 Do Not Score Labels Tan—8 labels per sheet Do: Apply to pre-printed, used, or mislabeled answer documents that DRC should not score Don’t: Put label on unused overage answer documents Open unused, shrinkwrapped packages TAM pg 32
32 Sample Do Not Score Label TAM Appendix A
33 Coding Precoded Documents Coding student name is optional, but recommended TAM pg 34 Sample of Printed Data
34 Coding Precoded Documents Code the fields not submitted via precode TAM pg 34 Top of Answer Document – page 2
35 Coding Non-precoded Documents Coding student name is mandatory Write information on override label and apply to designated area TAM pg 34
36 Coding Non-precoded Documents Code all applicable fields TAM pg 34 Top of Answer Document – page 2
37 Coding All Answer Documents TAM pg 34 Bottom of Answer Document – page 2 Code all applicable fields
38 Coding All Answer Documents TAM pg 34 Answer Document – page 3 Code all applicable fields, per subject
39 Coding Form Type & Form Number All Answer Documents Instructions for coding form type and form number are included in administration directions TAM Administration Directions Sample Test Booklet Cover Students code this info on answer doc
40 Class Sheets – Optional (class-level reports) Class Sheet Answer Document Four-digit class sheet number MUST be coded (including leading zeros) on student answer documents Cannot mix grades Reports produced only for classes of 6 or more students Ok to use unused class sheets leftover from March TAM pg 25
41 School/Grade Header Sheets (fall assignment) School/Grade Header Sheet Answer Document (for exceptions) Complete one header sheet for each grade Fall assign reports to another school Header sheet overrides precode; answer document overrides header sheet TAM pg 32
42 Fall Assignment Data Grid
43 Science & Social Studies Assignment Lists Lists will be available to DTCs and STCs via eDIRECT by April 27 Lists may be printed Lists include assignments for students on the January and March precode file Answer document range sheets also indicate testing assignments (students marked with ‘*’ are testing science)
44 Science & Social Studies Assignment Lists Assignment information is secure For regular administrations, do not notify teachers or students of their test assignment STCs may use the information to prepare for special test administrations Teachers involved in these special testing situations may be notified of student names two days in advance of the test date Students receiving special administrations may be notified the afternoon prior to the test day TAM pg 22
45 Science & Social Studies Assignment Lists
46 Available to DTCs and STCs via eDIRECT Used to assign science or social studies testing to new students (after the March update file) Available until May 22 – last day of make-up testing Assigning Subject for New Students
47 Assigning Subject for New Students
48 STC Return Procedures for both Return Shipments There are two return shipments for the May assessment; return procedures are provided on TAM pages Check pre-printing/labeling Verify that answer documents to be scored have pre-printed information or a label Place Do Not Score labels on any unused pre-printed answer documents or used answer documents not to be scored Check answer document coding Make sure accommodation codes have been completed Complete class sheets and school/grade header sheets Use and sign security checklists TAM pgs 36-41
49 Package Materials into Scorable and Nonscorable Boxes Scorable boxes include: All scorable answer documents for students who have completed operational testing This includes answer documents for students using Braille test materials Affix a pink return shipping label to each box TAM pgs STC Return Procedures Return Shipment 1
50 STC Return Procedures Return Shipment 1 Nonscorable boxes include: All secure materials that are no longer needed for testing Other Braille materials (returned in plastic bag) Affix a gray return shipping label to each box
51 Scorable boxes include: All remaining scorable answer documents This includes answer documents for students using Braille test materials Affix a pink return shipping label to each box TAM pgs STC Return Procedures Return Shipment 2
52 STC Return Procedures Return Shipment 2 Nonscorable boxes include: All remaining secure materials Other Braille materials (returned in plastic bag) Affix a gray return shipping label to each box
53 Give directly to DTC: Envelope with class sheets and school/grade header sheets Envelope(s) with white copy of school security checklist Home school test booklets/answer documents Pink copy of school security checklist TAM pgs STC Return Procedures Return Shipment 2
54 Sample Return Shipping Labels Scorable - pinkNonscorable - gray
55 DTC Return Procedures Return Shipment 1 (May 19) Contact ADS by May 15 to schedule pick up Collect boxes of test materials from the schools Separate school boxes into groups according to color of return shipping label – pink or gray Store materials in a secure place until they are picked up DTCS
56 DTC Return Procedures Return Shipment 2 (May 27) Contact ADS by May 22 to schedule pick up Collect boxes of test materials from the schools Collect home school test materials from STCs Ensure all scorable answer documents have override home school labels Make sure appropriate fields have been coded Package district materials into scorable and nonscorable boxes DTCS
57 Scorable boxes include: Answer documents for home school students School and district envelopes containing school/grade header sheets and class sheets Affix a pink return shipping label to each box DTCS DTC Return Procedures Return Shipment 2 (May 27)
58 Nonscorable boxes include: District envelope containing white copies of the district security checklist School envelopes containing white copies of the school security checklist Remaining home school test materials All secure district overage materials Affix a gray return shipping label to each box DTCS DTC Return Procedures Return Shipment 2 (May 27)
59 Online Comment Survey Accessible via eDIRECT and/or link will be supplied Available to DTCs, STCs, and TAs Open from May 12 – June 3, 2009
60 Questions?
61 May PASS Field Test
62 Participation All students should participate except: Students who require customized materials ESOL/LEP students enrolled in U.S. schools less than one year AND who score less than Initially Proficient on approved on EPT Students who were born in U.S. but who enter U.S. schools for first time and have less than one year in U.S. schools Homebound, homebased, or home schooled students Students who are incarcerated, suspended, or expelled TAM Appendix E
63 Materials All materials are secure Test booklets and answer documents are produced for writing, math, science, and social studies grades 3-8 Customized materials are not produced Re-use rulers, protractors, reference sheets, and periodic tables from the operational test Administration directions provided in Appendix E of the TAM TAM Appendix E
64 Answer Documents One answer document produced for each subject (applicable to all grades) Students record responses in scannable answer documents for all test forms Answer documents will be pre-printed Based on January precode file Packaged by grade and distribution unit Labels will be produced for new students on March update precode file Students code form name of test taken Instructions in the administration directions TAM Appendix E
65 Answer Document Sample
66 Sample New Student Label For new students included in the March update file One sheet contains labels for up to 8 answer documents Handcoding is not required on the answer documents
67 Override Labels (non-precoded) Use for students with no pre- printed answer documents or for answer documents with incorrect information One sheet contains labels for up to 8 answer documents Complete information requested on the label Handcoding is required on the answer documents TAM pg 32
68 Do Not Score Labels Apply to pre-printed, used, or mislabeled answer documents that DRC should NOT score Salmon-colored—8 labels per sheet Unused overage answer documents do NOT require a label Do not open unused, shrinkwrapped packages TAM pg 32
69 Coding Form Name (Precoded & Non-precoded) Instructions for coding form name are included in administration directions Sample Test Booklet Cover TAM Appendix E
70 Field Test Return Procedures Materials should be returned with the May operational materials in return shipment 2 Operational and field test materials should not be packaged in the same boxes Answer documents should be packaged in the scorable boxes; affix a yellow return shipping label Test booklets should be packaged in the nonscorable boxes; affix a white return shipping label TAM pgs 36-41
71 Questions?