L EAD U P T O W AR ? How do you manage Hitler’s Demands?
E VENT 1: T HE R HINELAND Under the terms of Versailles, the Rhineland had been made into a demilitarised zone. Germany had political control of this area, but she was not allowed to put any troops into it. Therefore, many Germans concluded that they did not actually fully control the area despite it being in Germany itself.Versailles In March 1936, Hitler took what for him was a huge gamble - he ordered that his troops should openly re-enter the Rhineland thus breaking the terms of Versailles once again.Versailles
Q UESTION How do you think your country responded to the occupation of the Rhineland by German troops? Support Oppose Negotiate Appease Remain Neutral Fight
T ROOPS IN THE R HINELAND Great Britain France Russia Poland United States Support Oppose Neutral
S IGNIFICANCE Germany is “testing the waters” to see the response from the rest of Europe, particularly France and Great Britain. Rhineland 1936
E VENT 2: A NNEX A USTRIA In early 1938, Austrian Nazis conspired for the second time in four years to seize the Austrian government by force and unite their nation with Nazi Germany. Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg, learning of the conspiracy, met with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in the hopes of reasserting his country's independence but was instead bullied into naming several top Austrian Nazis to his cabinet. On March 9, Schuschnigg called a national vote to resolve the question of Anschluss, or "annexation," once and for all. Before the plebiscite could take place, however, Schuschnigg gave in to pressure from Hitler and resigned on March 11. In his resignation address, under coercion from the Nazis, he pleaded with Austrian forces not to resist a German "advance" into the country. The next day, March 12, Hitler accompanied German troops into Austria, where enthusiastic crowds met them. Hitler appointed a new Nazi government, and on March 13 the Anschluss was proclaimed. Austria existed as a federal state of Germany until the end of World War II.
Q UESTION How do you think your country responded to the annexation of Austria by Germany? Support Oppose Negotiate Appease Remain Neutral Fight
A NNEXATION OF A USTRIA Great Britain France Russia Poland United States Oppose Neutral
S IGNIFICANCE Germany is continuing to “test the waters” to see the response from the rest of Europe, particularly France and Great Britain. Hitler has begun to reunify the German people. Germany annexes Austria — History.com This Day in History — 3/12/1938Germany annexes Austria — History.com This Day in History — 3/12/1938
E VENT 3: C ZECHOSLOVAKIA C RISIS Czechoslovakia had been created in The new nation was created out of the old Austro- Hungarian Empire and it contained numerous nationalities : 3,200,000 Germans 7,450,000 Czechs 2,300,000 Slovaks 720,000 Magyars 560,000 Ruthenes 100,000 Poles In 1938 Hitler demanded the return of the Sudetenland to Germany because the Czech government was mistreating the German people there. Czechoslovakia turned to its ally France for support and France turned to its ally Great Britain for consultation.
E VENT 3: C ZECHOSLOVAKIA C RISIS Britain and France decided not to go to war over this and on September 18 informed Hitler that they would support self-determination (the right to chose one’s government) by the Sudeten Germans. Hitler determined that this was not enough and on Sept 22 demanded complete annexation and military occupation of Sudetenland. How do you respond to this demand from Hitler?
C ZECHOSLOVAKIA C RISIS Great Britain France Russia Poland United States Negotiate Oppose Support Neutral
P EACE W ITH H ONOR YouTube - Peace in our Time September 1938 YouTube - Peter Cook & John Cleese - Peace in our time The Czech Crisis of 1938
K RISTALLNACHT The Night of Broken Glass takes place on November 9-10, 1938.
E VENT 4: V IOLATION OF M UNICH PACT The Munich pact was based on the concept of appeasement. That is, they made concessions to Hitler to avoid war. By signing the Munich Pact, Hitler had agreed that Germany had no other territorial demands in Europe. Soon after the signing though, Hitler began to demand that a new Czech government be put in place that is more sympathetic to Germany. Hitler threatened war unless the government complied with his demands. On March 15, 1939, Germany broke the Munich Pact and occupied Czechoslovakia. How do you respond to violation of the Pact?
C ZECHOSLOVAKIA C RISIS Great Britain France Russia Poland United States Appeasement Support Appeasement Neutral
C ZECHOSLOVAKIA C RISIS The History Place - Triumph of Hitler: Nazis Take CzechoslovakiaThe History Place - Triumph of Hitler: Nazis Take Czechoslovakia
E VENT 5: T HE I NVASION OF P OLAND Hitler now turned his attention to the Polish Corridor, a strip of German land given to Poland in In the spring of 1939, Hitler began making demands for the return of this territory to Germany. Poland reinforced its agreements with France, England and the Soviet Union for its defense. On August 23, 1939, the world was shocked to find out that Germany and the Soviet Union had signed a Nonaggression Pact, pledging not to attack each other in the event of war. Both Britain and France reiterated their support of Poland. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. How do you respond to the invasion of Poland?
I NVASION OF P OLAND Great Britain France Russia Poland United States Declare war, but do not fight Join Germany Declare war and fight Neutral
WWII H AS B EGUN YouTube - (6/6) German Newsreel 1939 The Invasion of Poland World War II