Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Three Years of Cooperation under the Auspices of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe Klaus Bothe 3rd Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2003 Institute of Informatics, Humboldt University – Berlin, Germany,
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Purpose of this presentation Introduction to the workshop Short summary of our activities (not only for the new participants) Overview of Ohrid workshop lectures
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Workshops Sep. 2001: 1 st Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Novi Sad Sep. 2002: 2 nd Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Plovdiv Aug rd Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Ohrid
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Academic Reconstruction of South Eastern Europe The Background Stability pact for South-Eastern Europe Humboldt University Berlin University of Novi Sad 2000 University of Skopje University of Plovdiv University of Belgrade 2001 University of Kragujevac University of Nis University of Zagreb University of Sarajevo University of Banja Luka University of Timisoara University of Tirana 2003
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Fields of cooperation Distributed reverse engineering: XCTL Software system used in experimental physics Joint course on software engineering: JCSE / SETT – Net Network for software engineering training and teaching
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Oct. 1999: Zoran Budimac DAAD Berlin Milestones Sep. 2001: 1 st Workshop on SEE and RE, Novi Sad Sep. 2002: 2 nd Workshop on SEE and RE, Plovdiv Aug rd Workshop on SEE and RE, Ohrid 2000: DAAD starts special program in the framework of the Stability Pact Feb. 2002: first joint course activities May 2003: Meeting of project leaders in Berlin, Winter 2002: first SE lecture in Novi Sad based on English slides Sep. 2003: DAAD conference on Stability Pact results Autumn 2001: Computer laboratories for Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac (HRK) Oct. 2001: Investigation of XCTL by some groups has started First conference papers on project results: ITI 2003 (Cavtat), Eurocon 2003 (Ljubjana), 1st BCI (Thessaloniki) Spring 2002: Software support for Skopje (HRK)
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Participants of the Ohrid workshop Nis Miroslav Ciric Plovidv Emil Doytchev Malina Georgieva Asya Stoyanova-Doytcheva Stanimir Stoyanov Bojan Botev Radin Gospodinov Belgrade Dragan Bojic Milos Cvetanovic Dusan Tosic Skopie Vangel Ajanovski Boro Jakimovski Anastas Misev Katerina Zdravkova Novi Sad Zoran Budimac Natasa Ibrajter Mirjana Ivanovic Zoran Putnik Mihajlo Kresojevic Ivan Pribela Kragujevac Nenad Grujovic Radovan Slavkovic HU Berlin Klaus Bothe Ulrich Sacklowski Kay Schützler Sam Joachim Zagreb Kresimir Fertalj Damir Kalpic Sarajevo Novica Nosovic Banja Luka Slavko Maric Timisoara Ioan Jurca Tirana Luan Jubica
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Project activities Distributed reverse engineering: XCTL Joint course on software engineering: JCSE / SETT – Net Plovdiv: Reverse engineering of an XCTL subsystem Belgrade: URCA: software architecture recovery Porting to Visual C++ Novi Sad: Requirements specification „Manual adjustment“ HU - Berlin: Improvements by diploma thesis Universities of Novi Sad Skopje Belgrade Plovdiv HU Berlin Activities: Translation to English Addition of new slides New topics Lecture notes Slide style guides ...
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Plovdiv A. Stoyanova-Doytcheva B. Botev R. Gospodinov Belgrade D. Bojic Milos Cvetanovic Novi Sad Z. Budimac HU Berlin K. Bothe U. Sacklowski K. Schützler Visualisation of the use of XCTL by multimedia means Distributed reverse engineering: participants and Ohrid workshop lectures Progression of the XCTL system Architectual investigation of XCTL by URCA Experiments with the XCTL system
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Joint course on software engineering: participants and Ohrid workshop lectures Novi Sad Z. Budimac N. Ibrajter M.Ivanovic Z. Putnik M. Kresojevic I. Pribela Skopie V. Ajanovski B. Jakimovski A. Misev K. Zdravkova Belgrade D. Bojic Plovidv E. Doytchev M. Georgieva A. Stoyanova-Doytcheva S. Stoyanov HU Berlin K. Bothe U. Sacklowski K. Schützler S. Joachim Overview: current state, style guides, review reports, copyright, update... Experience reportsPresentation of topics Environment: assignments, case studies e – LearningGeneral SE topics
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, Fields of cooperation: relationships Distributed reverse engineering: XCTL Joint course on software engineering Case study in the course Both are distributed SE projects
Three Years of Cooperation under Auspieces of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, The tasks of the Ohrid workshop Dissemination and discussion of results: XCTL activities Joint course on SE Planning the future: Search for themes of future cooperation Integration of new participants