South Carolina Department of Education Rick Blanchard
Gifted & Talented Identification Assessments - besides MAP and the PACT replacement test Who do you screen? Testing Schedule Regulations Update
Three Dimensions – Dimension A - Reasoning Non-verbal, Verbal, Quantitative, and/or Composite – Dimension B - Achievement Reading Comprehension, Math Problem Solving, and/or Total Math – Dimension C – Performance STAR: Performance Task Assessment Grades 7-12, GPA four core areas +foreign language PERCENTILES Note
Dimension A: Reasoning – Past five years CogAt (2 nd graders) – Others Dimension B: Achievement – PACT (most recent scores only in reading and/or math) – Fall MAP scores in reading comprehension, mathematical problem solving, and/or total math Dimension C: Performance – STAR: Performance Task Assessment (2 nd – 5 th )
Dimension A: Reasoning - Two Academic Years Dimension B: Achievement ◦ MAP – Fall Only ◦ PACT/Replacement – Most Recent Scores Dimension C: Performance - STAR – Performance Tasks
Students whose: – scores are imported into the GIFT software (GT coordinators) i.e. PACT scores and Fall MAP scores All second graders who are English proficient (state funded program) All students who show up in GIFT or who have a 3.75 GPA (end of 5 th grade and above) New to the district Transition years
Data files early September Grade Two screening ◦ (first two weeks in November) ◦ Results hopefully by December 10 ◦ Re-administer dimension A ◦ Submit list of dimension C candidates end of Jan Performance Task Assessments (March) *Coordinate with Spring MAP