starter activity You will be given some descriptive statements. Sort them according to which leader of the Soviet Union you think they describe. Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev,
What was the impact of Gorbachev’s New Political Thinking? To review the policies & characteristics of Soviet leaders To identify what was so radical about Gorbachev’s New Political Thinking To assess the impact of the changes in key Eastern Bloc countries Aims
What does this clip tell us about Gorbachev’s ‘New Thinking’?
Your task Read about Gorbachev’s new approach to foreign and domestic policy on p Read about Gorbachev’s new approach to foreign and domestic policy on p Make a chart in your notes. On one side note down the characteristics of Gorbachev’s New Political Thinking and on the other the impact of his ideas. Draw lines between the 2 columns to show any links. Make a chart in your notes. On one side note down the characteristics of Gorbachev’s New Political Thinking and on the other the impact of his ideas. Draw lines between the 2 columns to show any links.
Characteristics – New Political Thinking Domestic reform - make Russia more productive & responsive – ‘we can’t go on living like this’ Domestic reform - make Russia more productive & responsive – ‘we can’t go on living like this’ Military - reduce military spending Military - reduce military spending USA - re-open negotiations over arms limitation USA - re-open negotiations over arms limitation Foreign policy - re-evaluate Russia’s foreign policy, e.g. in Cuba, Vietnam & Afghanistan Foreign policy - re-evaluate Russia’s foreign policy, e.g. in Cuba, Vietnam & Afghanistan Human rights - closer emphasis on universal human values Human rights - closer emphasis on universal human values
Impact Soviet Administration - changes in administration, e.g. Eduard Shevardnadze, Foreign Sec. Soviet Administration - changes in administration, e.g. Eduard Shevardnadze, Foreign Sec. Improve foreign relations – e.g. charm offensive on UK PM, Mrs Thatcher Improve foreign relations – e.g. charm offensive on UK PM, Mrs Thatcher Summits – Geneva Summit (‘85); Reykjavik (‘86); Washington (’87); Moscow (’88); Malta (’89) Summits – Geneva Summit (‘85); Reykjavik (‘86); Washington (’87); Moscow (’88); Malta (’89) Reduce spending on ‘national liberation movements’ Reduce spending on ‘national liberation movements’ Perestroika Perestroika Glasnost Glasnost Democratisation Democratisation Abandonment of Brezhnev Doctrine (’68) Abandonment of Brezhnev Doctrine (’68)
Your task Re-read p and try to identify the summit being described on the cards. Re-read p and try to identify the summit being described on the cards. Which summit was the turning point? Which summit was the turning point? Gorbachev and Reagan get cosy at Reykjavik in 1986
Summit achievements in detail 1985, Geneva Summit – established working relations between US & USSR, but little detail 1985, Geneva Summit – established working relations between US & USSR, but little detail 1986, Reykjavik Summit – Soviets proposed phasing out nuclear weapons in return for ending SDI 1986, Reykjavik Summit – Soviets proposed phasing out nuclear weapons in return for ending SDI 1987, Washington Summit – INF agreement signed, 1 st time arms reductions agreed 1987, Washington Summit – INF agreement signed, 1 st time arms reductions agreed 1989, Malta Summit – Bush & Gorbachev, ‘buried the Cold War at the bottom of the Mediterranean’ 1989, Malta Summit – Bush & Gorbachev, ‘buried the Cold War at the bottom of the Mediterranean’
Your task Read p. 170 and define what the term ‘Brezhnev doctrine’ means in your glossary and then note the reasons for the breakdown of this doctrine. Read p. 170 and define what the term ‘Brezhnev doctrine’ means in your glossary and then note the reasons for the breakdown of this doctrine. Brezhnev takes a dip in the icy waters of Cold War politics
Brezhnev doctrine Attack on one communist country is to be considered an attack on them all Attack on one communist country is to be considered an attack on them all End to democratic liberalisation, e.g. Prague Spring (1968) End to democratic liberalisation, e.g. Prague Spring (1968) No Eastern Bloc country could leave Warsaw Pact No Eastern Bloc country could leave Warsaw Pact Soviet Union was the dominant power in relations with Eastern Bloc Soviet Union was the dominant power in relations with Eastern Bloc
Reasons for breakdown Disillusionment with Afghanistan Disillusionment with Afghanistan Too costly Too costly Liberalisation would rejuvenate socialism as a political project Liberalisation would rejuvenate socialism as a political project Armed intervention was morally wrong Armed intervention was morally wrong No longer need for aggressive foreign policies like this No longer need for aggressive foreign policies like this
Do you think the changes that happen in the USSR in the 1980s occurred as a result of Gorbachev or as a result of broader conditions?
Your task How did the collapse of Communism occur in each of the following countries? Try to identify factors rather than describe events How did the collapse of Communism occur in each of the following countries? Try to identify factors rather than describe events Poland Poland Hungary Hungary East Germany East Germany Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Romania Romania
Collapse of Communism Poland – growth of Solidarity, papal intervention, economic hardships, democratisation of elections, Soviet approval Poland – growth of Solidarity, papal intervention, economic hardships, democratisation of elections, Soviet approval Hungary – collapse of authority by hard-line leader, democratisation of elections, opening of borders Hungary – collapse of authority by hard-line leader, democratisation of elections, opening of borders East Germany – collapse of hard-line authority, opening of borders, reluctance to use violence East Germany – collapse of hard-line authority, opening of borders, reluctance to use violence Czechoslovakia – democratisation of elections, reluctance to use violence Czechoslovakia – democratisation of elections, reluctance to use violence Romania – growing public awareness of reform, collapse of hard-line authority Romania – growing public awareness of reform, collapse of hard-line authority
Extension task Draw a circle. Divide it into 5 for each country and record factors which were similar and factors which were unique to each country. Draw a circle. Divide it into 5 for each country and record factors which were similar and factors which were unique to each country.
Extension Read Isaacs on Gorbachev, p What were the strengths of Gorbachev’s approach? What were the dangers? Read Isaacs on Gorbachev, p What were the strengths of Gorbachev’s approach? What were the dangers?
Plenary Plenary What characterised Gorbachev’s approach to foreign and domestic policy What characterised Gorbachev’s approach to foreign and domestic policy List 3 key achievements of his policy List 3 key achievements of his policy Explain how Communism collapsed in Eastern Bloc countries Explain how Communism collapsed in Eastern Bloc countries