Revisiting PACT as US: Supporting our Student Teachers and Field Partners Spring 2012 STE University Workshop Cathy Zozakiewicz, PhD COE PACT Coordinator, SDSU Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
PACT Goals/outcomeS PACT TE DUE DATE: FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 2012 To review our roles and resources as US to be able to support our STs with Technical and Organizational issues of the PACT TE as US, and support our Field Partners as they assist our STs with developing and implementing the PACT TETo review our roles and resources as US to be able to support our STs with Technical and Organizational issues of the PACT TE as US, and support our Field Partners as they assist our STs with developing and implementing the PACT TE To reflect upon areas of the PACT TE where STs struggle, in order to better prepare our students as effective teachers who can demonstrate competency on all areas of the TE: Planning, Assessment, Instruction, Reflection and Academic Language.To reflect upon areas of the PACT TE where STs struggle, in order to better prepare our students as effective teachers who can demonstrate competency on all areas of the TE: Planning, Assessment, Instruction, Reflection and Academic Language. Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Technical & Organizational Support Forms Handed in on TaskStream: Forms Handed in on TaskStream: TE/ESA Permission Form – Form STs sign to give us permission to use their ESAs, CATs and TEs for instructional and research purposes TE/ESA Permission Form – Form STs sign to give us permission to use their ESAs, CATs and TEs for instructional and research purposes Authenticity Form – PACT Form ST and US/Block Leader signs at end of semester verifying that TE is the original work of ST. Authenticity Form – PACT Form ST and US/Block Leader signs at end of semester verifying that TE is the original work of ST. Forms Handed into Team Leader in Hard Copy: SDSU PACT Permission Slips – form for students to be videotaped and to use assessment samples for PACT TE STs MUST USE SDSU PERMISSION FORMS – DISTRICT FORMS CANNOT REPLACE SDSU FORMS HERE Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
US, CT and ST Roles Refer to Resources “PACT Teaching Event Tasks for University Supervisors, Cooperating Teachers & Stud. Teachers” Refer to Resources “PACT Teaching Event Tasks for University Supervisors, Cooperating Teachers & Stud. Teachers” Key – Attend to Block Timeline for Implementation and Videotaping of TE Key – Attend to Block Timeline for Implementation and Videotaping of TE Do Not Observe during TE with intention of giving observational feedback to ST Do Not Observe during TE with intention of giving observational feedback to ST Refer STs to COE PACT Website to resources to support the PACT process: STs to COE PACT Website to resources to support the PACT process: Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Guidelines for Support Revisited Acceptable forms of support for constructing the TE include:Acceptable forms of support for constructing the TE include: Explaining the general design of curriculum materials or instructional and assessment strategies, leaving it to candidates to make selectionsExplaining the general design of curriculum materials or instructional and assessment strategies, leaving it to candidates to make selections Making referrals to curriculum materials, professional and research articles on issues the candidate is thinking about. Many candidates will use or adapt curriculum materials developed by others; they should just cite the source, including materials from experienced teachers. It is up to each candidate to explain how the materials are appropriate for their students.Making referrals to curriculum materials, professional and research articles on issues the candidate is thinking about. Many candidates will use or adapt curriculum materials developed by others; they should just cite the source, including materials from experienced teachers. It is up to each candidate to explain how the materials are appropriate for their students. Asking probing or clarifying questions that encourage candidates to deepen their analysis of and reflection on the artifacts, commentary prompts, and/or their responses and to communicate these analyses and reflections more clearly.Asking probing or clarifying questions that encourage candidates to deepen their analysis of and reflection on the artifacts, commentary prompts, and/or their responses and to communicate these analyses and reflections more clearly. Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Unacceptable support for Te includes: Making choices of curriculum materials or instructional strategies (other than those required by the CT/school/district) for STMaking choices of curriculum materials or instructional strategies (other than those required by the CT/school/district) for ST Providing your own analysis of the candidate’s students or artifacts or offering alternative responses to commentary promptsProviding your own analysis of the candidate’s students or artifacts or offering alternative responses to commentary prompts Suggesting specific changes to be made in a draft Teaching Event rather than asking questions aimed at helping candidates reflect on a draft and reach their own conclusions about needed changesSuggesting specific changes to be made in a draft Teaching Event rather than asking questions aimed at helping candidates reflect on a draft and reach their own conclusions about needed changes Providing intensive coaching for candidates perceived to be weak that is aimed at helping them pass the Teaching Event rather than at improving their teaching competence, e.g., extensive focused feedback on repeated drafts leading to the final submissionProviding intensive coaching for candidates perceived to be weak that is aimed at helping them pass the Teaching Event rather than at improving their teaching competence, e.g., extensive focused feedback on repeated drafts leading to the final submission Editing the Teaching Event.Editing the Teaching Event. Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Support from You as Supervisors Working with Cooperating Teachers 1.Educate CTs about the PACT TE emphasizing that what candidates do in PACT is authentic and about becoming effective teachers. 2.Communicate to CTs how important they are in supporting student teachers through the PACT process and what support/guidance is allowed. 3.Keep lines of communication open with Team Leaders about placement issues that may be detrimental to STs’ abilities to successfully complete their PACT TEs in their placements.
Areas where our STs Struggle on TE Data Shots – See Data Results on COE PACT Webpage under Faculty Support – get access form Nina Potter Data Shots – See Data Results on COE PACT Webpage under Faculty Support – get access form Nina Potter Areas of Struggle: Assessment, Instruction, Reflection, Academic Language, Next Steps Areas of Struggle: Assessment, Instruction, Reflection, Academic Language, Next Steps Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Effective teacHING and TE elements aligned Effective Teachers Show Competency on TE by: Demonstrating Alignment and Making Connections: Tasks 1-5 Demonstrating Alignment and Making Connections: Tasks 1-5 Intellectual Engagement of Students According to Subject-Specific Requirements: Tasks 2-3 Intellectual Engagement of Students According to Subject-Specific Requirements: Tasks 2-3 Focusing on Student Learning and Learner Outcomes: Tasks 2-4 Focusing on Student Learning and Learner Outcomes: Tasks 2-4 Using Academic Language and Knowledge of Student to Develop and Differentiate Instruction/Assessment -- Teaching Contextually to Students: Tasks 1-5 Using Academic Language and Knowledge of Student to Develop and Differentiate Instruction/Assessment -- Teaching Contextually to Students: Tasks 1-5 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Demonstrating alignment & Making Connections Tasks 1-2: Context and Planning/Assessment Tasks 1-2: Context and Planning/Assessment Tips - TE/Teaching Effectiveness Mantras: Tips - TE/Teaching Effectiveness Mantras: Alignment and Connections Alignment and Connections Developing Detailed Plans Developing Detailed Plans Manageable Standards/Objectives Manageable Standards/Objectives Fatal Flaws: Misalignment and Disconnections between standards/objectives, tasks and assessments, and/or between plans and commentaries Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Intellectually Engaging Students Engage Students Intellectually – Beyond Participation, with Subject Matter Engage Students Intellectually – Beyond Participation, with Subject Matter Review Planning Rubrics 1 for Engagement according to Subject Specific Requirements/Variations – Reflect and attend to Pedagogical Content Knowledge Review Planning Rubrics 1 for Engagement according to Subject Specific Requirements/Variations – Reflect and attend to Pedagogical Content Knowledge Tips and Fatal Flaws in Instruction Tips and Fatal Flaws in Instruction Wrong Choice of Video Clips by interaction structure or context expectation Wrong Choice of Video Clips by interaction structure or context expectation Classroom Management Chaos or Safety in Science Classroom Management Chaos or Safety in Science Significant Content Inaccuracies Significant Content Inaccuracies Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Focus on Student Learning Focus on Student Learning and Learning Outcomes instead of Teacher/Teaching only Focus on Student Learning and Learning Outcomes instead of Teacher/Teaching only Tips and Fatal Flaws on Assessment Tips and Fatal Flaws on Assessment Misalignment of assessment rubric/evaluation criteria, assessment itself and/or standards/objectives measuredMisalignment of assessment rubric/evaluation criteria, assessment itself and/or standards/objectives measured Next steps vague or too brief, or do not align to analysis – to learning outcomesNext steps vague or too brief, or do not align to analysis – to learning outcomes Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
reviewing Academic Language & Its Importance What is academic language? What is academic language? Do we believe it is important as a teacher educators? Why or why not? Do we believe it is important as a teacher educators? Why or why not? Why do we think AL is included as a central task you must demonstrate competency in as a new teacher within the PACT TE – your State TPA? Why do we think AL is included as a central task you must demonstrate competency in as a new teacher within the PACT TE – your State TPA? Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
WHY include Academic Language? Academic language is different from everyday language. Some students are not exposed to this language outside of school. Academic language is different from everyday language. Some students are not exposed to this language outside of school. Much of academic language is discipline-specific and deepens subject matter THINKING. Much of academic language is discipline-specific and deepens subject matter THINKING. Unless we make academic language explicit for learning, some students will be excluded from classroom discourse and future opportunities that depend on having acquired this language. Unless we make academic language explicit for learning, some students will be excluded from classroom discourse and future opportunities that depend on having acquired this language. Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Academic Language Academic language is the oral and written language used in school necessary for learning content. This includes the “language of the discipline” (vocabulary and forms/functions of language associated with learning outcomes) and the “instructional language” used to engage students’ in learning content. Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Vocabulary Technical vocabulary: triangle, metaphor, metabolize Technical vocabulary: triangle, metaphor, metabolize Words whose technical meaning is different than everyday language: “balance” in chemistry, “plane” in mathematics, “ruler” in history/social science, “force” in science Words whose technical meaning is different than everyday language: “balance” in chemistry, “plane” in mathematics, “ruler” in history/social science, “force” in science Connector words: and, but, because, therefore, however Connector words: and, but, because, therefore, however Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Three F Words The FUNCTIONS of Academic Language are to clearly and explicitly define, classify, analyze, explain, argue, interpret and evaluate ideas for distant audiences. Every language function has FORMS or structures that are common and often discipline specific (text, sentence or graphic/symbolic) Developing students’ FLUENCY in academic language forms and functions provides access to the “language of school” and academic success Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Academic Language Competencies Measured IN PACT Understanding students’ language development and identifying language demands – Rubric 11 Understanding students’ language development and identifying language demands – Rubric 11 Supporting language demands (vocabulary, form and function) to deepen content learning – Rubric 12 Supporting language demands (vocabulary, form and function) to deepen content learning – Rubric 12 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 2011
Using AL & knowledge of sts to Develop Instruction Focus on Academic Language across Tasks Focus on Academic Language across Tasks Emphasize this is What Effective Teachers Do – Emphasize this is What Effective Teachers Do – Use Content and Language Objectives Use Content and Language Objectives Tips and Fatal Flaws Tips and Fatal Flaws Deficiency view of students – My Sts cannot… Deficiency view of students – My Sts cannot… Identify AL as Vocabulary Only Identify AL as Vocabulary Only Provide only Generic Support without considering Lang. Demands of learning tasks – (vocab., forms and functions) Provide only Generic Support without considering Lang. Demands of learning tasks – (vocab., forms and functions) STs perform Forms and Functions for Sts versus facilitating the developing of these for their Sts STs perform Forms and Functions for Sts versus facilitating the developing of these for their Sts Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
Academic language resources On PACT Website – There are Acad. Language Appendixes for Each Content Area that share examples of: On PACT Website – There are Acad. Language Appendixes for Each Content Area that share examples of: Functions Functions Genres – Forms Genres – Forms Instructional Language Instructional Language URL: URL: Under: Supporting Documents for Candidates Under: Supporting Documents for Candidates Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
PACT Resources for US COE PACT Website – Resources Below Will Be Available Under Faculty Support Next Week: Acceptable Support for TE Acceptable Support for TE PACT Support Tasks for US, CT and ST PACT Support Tasks for US, CT and ST Academic Language Appendixes by Subject Academic Language Appendixes by Subject Subject Specific Variations Subject Specific Variations PACT US Spring 2012 PowerPoint PACT US Spring 2012 PowerPoint
Final Questions/Sharings Thanks and remember to or call me with questions:Thanks and remember to or call me with questions: Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity