By Tatyana Radchishina.  Mission Statement Family Services of Grant County believes people who experience physical, economical or cultural challenges.


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Presentation transcript:

By Tatyana Radchishina

 Mission Statement Family Services of Grant County believes people who experience physical, economical or cultural challenges are valuable contributors to the quality of our diverse community. Our strength-based partnership promote growth through quality health and educational programs. We imagine, design and grow innovative solutions for every individual to achieve success.

 Every child should be wanted  Children and adults learn best in context of responsive relationships  A child’s primary and most important relationship is formed with his/hers parent(s) or primary caregiver  Parents are primary educators for their children  All families have strengths and can be empowered to overcome the barriers achieving their goals  Early intervention and involvement, including during pregnancy, increases positive results in child development and parenting skills and the likelihood of family success  Partnership forged with parents and the community provides the best results for children  We are growth agents who provide individuals and families with tools and services, including assistance, support, education, advocacy, problem solving, linkages and leadership opportunities  Learning is a life-long process

 Family Planning  Early Head Star (for pregnant women and children under three)  Head Start Pre-school (ages 3to5)  P.A.C.T (Parents and Children Together)

 Is to reunify the children with their families.  Create a positive secure and educationally rich environment for children, in which their needs are met  Increase parents knowledge and skills in parenting  Improve parent’s ability to understand their children’s verbal and nonverbal cues and effectively meet their child’s needs

 It is important to build relationships with the children’s biological parents, foster parents, social workers and child care providers.  PACT offers a neutral place for those who love and care for child to work together in the child’s best interest

 The P.A.C.T manager is responsible for oversight of PACT program, supervises PACT staff and ensures Early Head Start performance standards are met. The P.A.C.T Manager insures to DCFS system and PACT are coordinating common goals for the children and families. She provides leadership at regular interdisciplinary staff meetings, ensures proper communication with DCFS, court systems and other providers and offers appropriate client assessment information, etc.

MostLeast Interacting with clientsNot having enough resources to refer clients to Monitoring social workers, facilitator, resource connector Experience funding cuts Working with partners/providers Staff is overwhelmed with workload Reaching out to people Making difference in peoples lives Assisting clients with services

 Abuse could be identified as a failure of a parent, guardian or other caregiver to provide for a child's basic needs.  Neglect may be identified as a:  Lack of food, shelter parenting supervision  Medical failure to provide physical and mental health treatments  Educational failure to educate a child or attend special needs  Emotional inattention to child’s emotional needs, failure to provide psychological care or permitting the child to use alcohol or other drugs

 Safety consideration for caseworkers when dealing with a domestic violence  Steps to enhance caseworker safety conducting meetings being aware of your surroundings  Notify a supervisor of any dangerous situations  Ensuring accessible exits when meeting the abuser  Providing oversight and review of appropriate child welfare practices  Supporting and encouraging collaborative relationships

 Agency providers need to work together sponsor various trainings to help educate people on how they can change their behaviors etc. Also door to door canvassing to educate people through block watch groups etc.

 Following up with their clients educating them about the danger of child abuse and neglect  Understanding the process of mandated reporters and how to follow up with the process is very important

4g Concrete Angel Child Abuse Awareness Our goal is to become agents of change! p.s. please copy and paste link to view