The Cold War and Beyond!!! Mrs. McCoy AP Euro
US vs USSR Soviet Union took control of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria (Red army overran these countries during WWII) **Exception: Tito of Yugoslavia – defied Stalin! 1946 – Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
1947 – Greece in danger of being overthrown by communists. US concerns of Turkey becoming a Soviet puppet state. Britain asked US for help, US gladly obliged. Greece and Turkey
Soviets announced that the Allies could no longer pass through the Soviet Zone. Berlin Airlift thwarted Stalin’s blockade. (it lasted about a year!) Stalin realized he could not stop the allies. Germany became East Germany and West Germany. Federal Republic of Germany (W) German Democratic Republic (E)
NATO!! Military defensive alliance
Warsaw Pact!!USSR + 7 satellite countries 1955
Nuclear Race 1949 – Soviet Union tests the first atomic bomb – US announces the H-bomb – Soviets also have an H bomb…so the nuclear arms race goes…
Mao’s communist forces defeat Chiang Kai-Shek’s natinalist forces. K-S goes to Taiwan, US supports him.
Korea divided at the 38 th parallel. N invaded S, (Backed by Stalin) UN called for N.Korean withdrawal, they ignored it, UN provided military aid and support – armistice was signed. an_w.gif
Death of Stalin = de-Stalinization. Enter – POWER STRUGGLE!!!!! Nikita Khruschev becomes leader. Calls for peaceful coexistence, liberalization, intellectual freedom. Geneva summit – East meets West – they agree to disagree
POLAND: Wladyslaw Gomulka – former political prisoner – gains concessions for Poland and calms anti-Soviet feelings Hungary – Imre Nagy declared Hungary neutral and withdraws from Warsaw pact. Khrushchev sends Tanks, installs a puppet regime under Janos Kadar.
U2 Incident oops!
Brezhnev Era ( )
Czechoslovakia- Alexander Dubcek becomes head of party and begins reforms knows as Prague Spring. Lifted censorship Permitted political groups Wanted trade with the west Brez sent over 500,000 troops to occupy Czeks. His doctrine? One bad apple…. A single socialist country’s anti- socialist acts can compromise the entire system, therefore military intervention is necessary.
Brezhnev in Poland: 1970s- Poland suffered economically 1980 – strikes to protest prices, etc. Lech Walesa organizes SOLIDARITY – an independent trade union calling for changes. He is supported by EVERYONE, including the Catholic Church! 1978 – Pope John Paul, the first Polish Pope. Soviets play a ‘waiting game…’ but changes they are a comin!
Détente – 1970s Progressive relaxation of tension Nixon visits Moscow SALT Brezhnev visits USA 1975 – Helsinki Pact – border agreements, and protection of human rights ENDS with the Soviet invasion of AFGHANISTAN!!!! (that Brezhnev Doctrine) But it left the Soviets broke and depressed.
Brezhnev’s record Security New weapons and technology Censorship KGB arrested anyone who spoke against the gv. Apathy toward the masses Inferior consumer products
Old men…then… GORBACHEV Reformer? Perestroika – econommic restrcturing Introduction of (some) capitalism (Think Lenin and the NEP) Prices soar, goods even more scarce
Gorby…(cont) Glasnost = openness Freedom of ideas and expression Churches open Political reforms Non – communist parties introduced Withdrew troops from Afghanistan 1989 – disapproved the Brezhnev Doctrine Led to peaceful revolutions and the end of Soviet Domination
POLAND Communist gov. legalized SOLIDARITY – an independent trade union Lech Walesa (founder of solidarity) elected president of Republic of Poland
Velvet Revolution Czechoslovakia Demonstrations by students, etc. Non violent Valclav Havel elected president Split – Czech Republic and Slovakia
WEST GERMANY Free market economy, social welfare Stable democracy Used Eastern European refugees as labor force By 1960s surpassed pre-war successes Ostpolitic – Eastern policy – sought reconciliation with E/W Germany Helmut Kohl became chancellor in 1982, through the reunion in
Germany East Germany forced to open borders Unified 1990
Romania Violent end to communism Nicolae Ceausescu – communist dictator, ordered forces to slaughter thousands of protesters, sparked uprising He and his wife captured and put to death Elections called for transition to free market economy
Great Britain Clement Attlee – Labour Party, began to transform G.Britain into a welfare state… Later conservative leaders restored some private enterprise. Margaret Thatcher – 1979 – Conservative. 3 terms!! “iron lady”
France 1995 – Jacques Chirac elected president Tax cuts, jobs, labor strikes and racism Civil unrest Charges of corrupt spending Opposed to invasion of Iraq