Mayor’s Faith-Based Community Symposium Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus June 5, 2013
Youth Intervention Services Morris Copeland Juvenile Services Department, Director Latawun Bess Juvenile Services Department, Manager Rev. George Ellis, Jr. Miami’s River of Life, Founder/President & CEO Trenese Prater Miami Dade Fire Rescue Firesetter Prevention & Intervention Program, Public Education Coordinator
Overall Accomplishments 67 % 1.8% 3.5% 11.2% 3.9% 2.9% 8.1% 3.4% 5.5% 10.2% 8.2% 10.2% 13.3% 15% Systematic Savings per Year $33 million dollar gross $20.2 million dollar net saving Reduced juvenile detention population From 300 to approx. 70 per day
Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) Centralized Intake Screening & Assessment One point of accountability for all juvenile booking Effective Positive Identification Process (PID) Screening for Risk & Service Needs Mental Health and Substance Abuse Assessment & Diversion referrals The JAC revolutionized the management of the juvenile justice population in Miami-Dade County
Miami-Dade County Intervention Services Latawun Bess, Manager
One point of accountability for all juvenile bookings The JAC allows the officers to transfer custody immediately and return to patrolling the community quickly. The Police Records Technician creates the court case immediately and within 24 hours the judiciary receives a complete detention packet.
Positive Identification Process (PID) Uniform manner to process arrested juveniles. The JAC provides the environment to conduct the PID process on all arrested youth. All of the juvenile justice agencies now have a complete picture of the youth’s identity.
Screening for Risk & Service Needs Accurately screen youth using the Detention Risk Assessment Instrument (DRAI) and Positive Achievement Change Tool (PACT). Risk to the community can be determined at intake. Courts now can make an informed decision to detain, release or respite.
Assessment & Diversion Referrals The JAC allows the assessment process to take place immediately. Age and gender specific assessments are utilized. 24/7 clinical support and crisis intervention provided. Appropriate recommendation to State Attorney’s Office (SAO) for diversion services.
Clinical Oversight Clinical expertise is provided throughout intake, assessment and case-management services by Licensed and Masters Level Mental Health Professionals. Mental Health Professionals provide case-consultation, file reviews, and on- going training in Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Case- management protocol.
GAIN- Q Sections The GAIN-Q CORE instrument is organized into ten sections: However JSD only uses the following Background General Factors Source of Stress Physical Health Emotional Health Behavioral Health Substance Related Issues Services Utilized
YLS/CMI Sections History of Conduct Disorder School and Employment Problems Criminal Friends Alcohol/Drug Problems Leisure/Recreation Personality/Behavior Family Circumstances/Parenting Attitude/Orientation The short version of the checklist instrument is divided into eight sections:
Diversion Services Serves youth who have committed a crime prior to their 18 th birthday. Provides individualized treatment plans, case management services, community service work, coordination of restitution payments, social skills enhancement, and victim/offender mediation. Referrals to: family and individual counseling, therapeutic groups, substance abuse treatment.
The Juvenile Services Department makes referrals to a network of referral agencies, including: Faith-Based Organizations Mental Health Agencies Substance Abuse Agencies Mentor Organizations Community-Based Organizations
Resources Mentoring Anti-gang Strategies (Walking One-Stops, Early Reading Programs) Anti-Violence Campaign Educational Tutoring Services After School Activities Safe Havens Community Service Sites JSD’s contribution Provide substantial data to support the need for local resources Facilitate Partnerships Juvenile Arrests Top 10 Zip Codes* *Most fall within Miami Gardens, Liberty City and Homestead/Florida City
Resources Mentoring Anti-gang Strategies (Walking One-Stops, Early Reading Programs) Anti-Violence Campaign Educational Tutoring Services After School Activities Safe Havens Community Service Sites JSD’s contribution Provide substantial data to support the need for local resources Facilitate Partnerships Juvenile Arrests Top 10 Zip Codes* *Most fall within Miami Gardens, Liberty City and Homestead/Florida City
Internships and Volunteer Opportunities
Program Description The Miami-Dade Juvenile Services Department serves as a valuable training ground for Social Work, Psychology, Public Administration, Public policy, Statistics, interns from local and out of town colleges and universities. The Department provides meaningful volunteering experiences for students, the elderly, and others interested in learning more about the juvenile justice system. JSD experienced staff includes Licensed Clinical Social Workers, and persons with a Masters degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, and Social Work.
MIAMI’S RIVER OF LIFE Rev. George Ellis, Jr Founder/President & CEO
Miami’s River of Life Program Description Miami’s River of Life serves thousands of youth and families throughout South Florida between 12 to 18 years of age. Provides 24/7 awake staff supervision Referral Sources: Department of Juvenile Justice Department of Children and Families Juvenile Courts
Miami’s River of Life Respite Program Department of Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Courts referrals Referred for placement due to crisis situation Transitional Living Program/ “In the Flow” Onsite Case Management Services Cultural and Gender Specific Exposure Behavioral Counseling Mentoring Program Life Skills Spiritual Awareness Family Reunification
Miami Dade Fire Rescue Firesetter Prevention & Intervention Program Trenese Prater, Public Education Coordinator
Firesetter Prevention and Intervention Program The program’s goal is to identify and engage at-risk and youth offenders by providing fire safety prevention, education, and intervention services. The program works in partnership with Community- based Agencies to ensure services to participants and their families.
Contact information: Morris Copeland: Latawun Bess: JSD: Rev. George Ellis: MROL: Trenese Prater: MDFR: