STRATEGIA DE LA LISABONA OBIECTIVE SCOP Pregătirea tranziţiei la o economie şi o societate a cunoaşterii prin politici mai bune în domeniile societăţii informaţionale şi cercetării şi dezvoltării, simultan cu înaintarea în procesul de reforme structurale în scopul obţinerii competitivităţii, inovării şi îmbunătăţirii pieţei interne; Modernizarea modelului social european, investiţii în oameni şi combaterea excluziunii sociale; Susţinerea perspectivelor creşterii economice prin aplicarea unui mix de politici macroeconomice adecvat.
OBIECTIVE ŢINTĂ I.Pregătirea tranziţiei la o economie competitivă, dinamică şi bazată pe cunoaştere: - O societate informaţională pentru toţi; - Stabilirea unei zone europene a cercetării şi inovării; - Crearea unui cadru prietenos pentru pornirea şi dezvoltarea unor afaceri inovative, in special pentru IMM; - Reforme economice pentru o piaţă internă complet funcţională; - Integrarea eficientă a pieţelor financiare; - Cordonarea politicilor macro-economice: consolidarea fiscală, calitatea şi sustenabilitatea politicilor fiscale;
II.Modernizarea modelului social European prin investiţii în oameni şi construirea unui stat al bunăstării Educarea şi formarea pentru a trăi şi munci în societatea cunoaşterii; - Mai multe locuri de muncă pentru Europa: dezvoltarea unei politici de angajare active; - Modernizarea protecţiei sociale; - Promovarea includerii sociale. III. Punerea în practică a deciziilor: o abordare mai coerentă şi mai sistematică: -- Îmbunătăţirea proceselor existente; Implementarea unui model deschis de coordonare (transparenţă);
DOMENII PENTRU CARE S-AU ELABORAT DOCUMENTE ÎN CONFORMITATE CU OBIECTIVELE STRATEGIEI: Biotehnologii; Competiţie; Dezvoltare; Economie şi Finanţe; Educaţie şi Cultură; Angajare; Energie şi Transport; Intreprinderi Mici şi Mijlocii; Mediu; Societatea informaţională; Piaţa internă; Cercetare; Protecţie Socială; Indicatori structurali; Taxare
REALIZĂRILE ŞI LIPSURILE SPECIFICE ŢĂRILOR MEMBRE DUPĂ OBIECTIVELE DE LA LISABONA – evaluare 2004 [cele mai bune trei realizări şi lipsuri în acord cu lista celor 14 indicatori structurali şi alte documente de evaluare: Indicator 1 GDP per capita in PPS; Indicator 2 Labour productivity per person employed; Indicator 3 Total employment rate; Indicator 4 Total employment rate of older workers; Indicator 5 GERD (Gross domestic expenditure on R&D); Indicator 6 Youth education attainment level ; Indicator 7 Comparative price levels; Indicator 8 Business investment; Indicator 9 At-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers; Indicator 10 Dispersion of regional employment rates - total; Indicator 11 Total long-term unemployment rate; Indicator 12 Total greenhouse gas emissions; Indicator 13 Energy intensity of the economy; Indicator 14 Transport - Volume of freight transport relative to GDP.
GERMANY Achievements –Agenda 2010 – extensive restructuring of social security system with profound impact on labour and product markets –Noticeable progress in the implementation of the 2003 labour market recommendations and modernisation of the vocational training system –Reforms to improve entrepreneurship –3rd highest level in the EU of gross domestic expenditure on R&D in 2001 –Among the best performances for Kyoto target and burden sharing indicators Shortcomings –Excessive deficit for several years, with repeated slippages in expenditures compared to theplans of the Stability Pact –Lack of far-reaching reforms of the pension system –High labour market rigidities and high unemployment –Disappointing levels of youth educational attainment –2nd highest transposition deficit for Internal Market directives (more than double the 1.5% target)
GREECE Achievements –Highest growth rate in the EU for labour productivity ( ) –Measures aiming at increasing incentives to work and developing skills of the unemployed, and a significant increase in youth educational attainment ( ) –2nd highest in business investment ( ) with initiatives to promote ICT use and R&D spending and innovation, and efforts to simplify the business environment. Shortcomings –High debt with slow decline, despite high nominal GDP growth in last years –2nd lowest female employment rate in the EU, and 2nd highest long term unemployment –Delayed follow-up on reforms in the social security and pension systems –Effective competition in the energy sector not yet secured –High transposition deficit for Internal Market directives
SPAIN Achievements –Highest growth in the employment rate since 1999, and highest decrease in the long term unemployment rate ( ), with measures taken to increase female employment rates –2nd lowest transposition deficit for Internal Market rules (well below the 1.5% target) –Adoption of ‘Españ ’ –package of measures for promotion and development of information society, with parallel promotion of internet access for citizens and SMEs –Adoption of Limited Company Act, creating a simplified legal framework for establishment of small companies/SMEs Shortcomings –Highest unemployment rate in EU at 11.3% in 2002, female employment rates more than 10 percentage points below EU average in 2002, and excessive use of fixed-term contracts which hamper mobility –No new reforms of the pensions system scheduled in the near future –Decrease in the level of youth educational attainment ( )
FRANCE Achievements –Implementation of comprehensive pension reform –Significant increase in employment rate for older persons ( ) although employment rate for older workers remains amongst the lowest in the EU –Significant decrease in relative price levels between 1999 and 2002 –Well above EU average for youth educational attainment –Good performance on Kyoto targets. Shortcomings –Excessive deficit for several years, with repeated slippages in expenditures compared to the plans of the Stability Pact; long term sustainability of public finances not secured –Labour market reforms likely to be insufficient at this stage –Market openings for gas and electricity remain low –Highest transposition deficit on Internal Market directives combined with a high number of infringement cases
IRELAND Achievements –Medium term growth rate at 5% –High and increasing labour productivity – well above the EU average –Significant decrease in the long term unemployment rate ( ) –Marked increase in youth educational attainment ( ) –Introduction of more competition in telecoms and public transport, and new competition rules for electricity and gas market –Highest reduction of outstanding Internal Market directives since Shortcomings –Among poorest performance in EU for Kyoto target and burden sharing indicators –Largest increase in price levels between 1999 and 2002 –Below EU average for gross domestic expenditure on R&D –Largest decline in business investment ( )
PORTUGAL Achievements –Implementation of actions to promote ICT use and R&D spending and innovation –Significant increase in youth educational attainment ( ) –Significant reduction of Internal Market directives transposition deficit with no directives overdue by more than two years –Quadros Programme’ provides financial compensation to small and micro enterprises Shortcomings –Excessive deficit, with sustainability of public finances questionable on account of projected expenditure on pensions –Poor achievements in education (although recent initiatives have been taken to improve education quality) with highest percentage of early school-leavers in the EU (twice the EU average) –Effective competition in the electricity market not yet secured with prices for gas and electricity among highest in EU –Poor performance for Kyoto target and burden sharing indicators
CONCLUZII 1.Strategia de la Lisabona implică o reformare a politicilor industriale; 2.Firmele vor avea nevoie de consultanţi de integrare penru a rezista pe piaţa unică din punct de vedere al competitivităţii. 3.Finanţările pentru proiecte mari vor avea sprijin comunitar, al Băncii Mondiale şi cofinanţare din partea română; 4.Fondurile structurale şi de coeziune se vor derula sectorial ţinând seama de priorităţile strategiei şi priorităţile statelor beneficiare (mediu, infrastructură, competitivitate, dezvoltare rurală, dezvoltare regională, fondul social); 5.Procedurile de accesare a fondurilor vor evolua implicând modificări în legislaţia naţională;