Elijah Uses the Priesthood “Lesson 33: Elijah Uses the Priesthood,” Primary 6: Old Testament, (1996),145
⌂ Let’s use this magnet to pick up some items made of metal. ⌂ The magnet has a kind of power called magnetism that causes the metal to be attracted to it. ⌂ These powers cannot be seen, but we can see the effects of these powers.
⌂T⌂T⌂T⌂The power of God also cannot be seen but we often see its effects. ⌂T⌂T⌂T⌂This lesson is about a prophet of God and his use of the greatest power on earth, the priesthood of God.
The Prophet Elijah
⌂ Many years after Rehoboam and Jeroboam died Ahab became the king of the Kingdom of Israel. ⌂ He and his people were wicked. They worshiped idols.
⌂ Elijah was a prophet of God. Elijah told Ahab and his people to repent. ⌂ If they did not repent, God would send a famine. There would be no water. The people would have no food.
⌂ King Ahab had a wife named Jezebel. She did not believe in God. ⌂ She killed the prophets of God. ⌂ Jezebel wanted to kill Elijah.
⌂ God told Elijah to hide from Jezebel. Elijah hid by a stream of water. He drank from the stream. ⌂ God sent birds to bring food to Elijah.
⌂ Then the famine came. There was no water in the stream. Elijah had no water to drink or food to eat. ⌂ God told Elijah to go to a city. He would meet a woman there. The woman would give him food and water.
⌂ Elijah met the woman. Her husband was dead. She lived with her son. ⌂ Elijah asked her for some water and bread. She said she did not have any. She had only a little flour and oil to make bread for her son.
⌂ Elijah told her to make some bread for him first. He said God would give her more flour and oil. ⌂ She would have food until the famine was over. The woman made bread for Elijah.
⌂ Elijah ate with the woman and her son. He stayed with the woman and her son for many days. ⌂ God blessed them. There was always flour and oil to make bread.
⌂ One day the woman’s son became very sick and died. His mother was sad. ⌂ Elijah had the priesthood. He had the power of God. Elijah prayed. He asked God to let the boy live again.
⌂ God heard Elijah’s prayer. Then a miracle happened. The boy came back to life. ⌂ Elijah took him to his mother. She knew Elijah was a prophet of God.
⌂W⌂W⌂W⌂Who was Jezebel? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 16:31 ⌂A⌂A⌂A⌂Ahab’s wife. ⌂W⌂W⌂W⌂Who was Ahab? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 16:29–30 ⌂O⌂One of the most wicked and powerful of the kings of northern Israel.
⌂ Elijah was a prophet of God during the time that Ahab and Jezebel ruled over the northern kingdom of Israel. ⌂ They introduced idol worship to Israel in the form of the false god Baal. They tried to do away with the worship of God.
⌂W⌂W⌂W⌂What did Elijah do to try to get Ahab to repent of his wickedness? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:1 ⌂ By what power did Elijah seal the heavens so it would not rain?
⌂ The drought declared by Elijah through the power of the priesthood lasted for three and a half years. ⌂ What would happen if there were no rain or moisture for three and a half years?
⌂W⌂W⌂W⌂When the drought began, how did the Lord take care of Elijah? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:2–6 ⌂W⌂W⌂W⌂Whom had the Lord prepared to help Elijah after the brook dried up? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:8–9
⌂ How does the Lord often help those in need? ⌂ He often helps us through the services of other people. ⌂ How might the Lord use us to help others? ⌂ If we are in tune with the Spirit, the Lord can direct us in what he would like us to do.
⌂ How do you think the widow felt when she had only a little meal (flour) and oil left to feed her family and Elijah asked her to first make a “cake” for him and then for her and her son? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:12–13
⌂W⌂W⌂W⌂What promise did Elijah give the widow? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:14 ⌂H⌂H⌂H⌂How did the widow show her faith in the Lord and her trust in Elijah? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:15
⌂ How can we develop the faith in Jesus Christ to follow the words of our prophet? ⌂ How can we develop the faith in Jesus Christ to follow what we feel prompted by the Spirit to do?
⌂W⌂W⌂W⌂What happened to the widow’s barrel of meal (flour) and cruse (jar) of oil during the remainder of the drought? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:16 ⌂W⌂W⌂W⌂Whom did the widow feed with this food that was miraculously supplied? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:15
⌂ What did Elijah do when the widow’s son got sick and died? ⌂ By what power was Elijah able to bring the widow’s son back to life? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:19–22
⌂H⌂H⌂H⌂How do you think the widow felt when Elijah brought her son back to her? ⌂H⌂H⌂H⌂How did this miracle strengthen the widow’s testimony? ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s read 1 Kings 17:24
⌂ How we are blessed by having leaders and family members who hold or are called by the priesthood? Enrichment Activity #4 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.
⌂ How are our testimonies strengthened through priesthood blessings? ⌂ We do not gain our testimonies by witnessing miracles, but the testimonies we already have can become stronger. ⌂ How has your life been blessed through the power of the priesthood?
⌂ Use the magnet to take turns picking up a paper and reading it aloud. ⌂ How are we blessed by each of these priesthood ordinances? ⌂ Share experiences you have had or know about as we discuss each ordinance. Enrichment Activity #1
⌂N⌂N⌂N⌂Name some brethren you know who hold the priesthood. ⌂L⌂L⌂L⌂Let’s do a… Enrichment Activity #2 ⌂ How could or do each of these people use the priesthood to bless your life?
⌂ Before Elder Hugh B. Brown became a member of the First Presidency of the Church, he served in England as an officer of the Canadian army. Enrichment Activity #3 ⌂ Because he was an officer of the king, he had great power. Men stood at attention before him and called him “sir.” ⌂ They often asked favors of him.
⌂ One day Brother Brown received a message that he was wanted in the hospital. He first thought that a soldier wanted help from him as an army officer. ⌂ When he got to the hospital, he felt proud that the doctors and nurses treated him with such respect. Then someone directed him to a little room where a sick young man lay. Enrichment Activity #3
⌂ Brother Brown remembered that he had once been that young man’s Sunday School teacher. Enrichment Activity #3 ⌂ “Brother Brown,” said the young man, “Would you use your authority in my behalf? ⌂ “The doctors say I cannot live. Will you give me a blessing?”
⌂ Brother Brown said that his uniform seemed to melt away. And all the pride that he felt in wearing the uniform of the king disappeared. ⌂ He laid his hands upon the boy’s head and gave him a blessing. The help that the boy needed was not from any authority of an officer in the king’s army but from the authority of the priesthood. Enrichment Activity #3
⌂ Brother Brown said, “I went into that hospital a proud British officer, and I came out a humble Mormon elder. Enrichment Activity #3 ⌂ “Ever since then I have earnestly tried to remember that there is a power and authority given to man, not from the king or the president, but from the King of Kings.” ⌂ (Adapted from Hugh B. Brown, Be What You Will to Be, Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year [14 Feb. 1967], pp. 8–9.)
⌂T⌂T⌂T⌂The priesthood is restored, The truth made known to man, That God has spoken to the earth, His pow’r is here again. ⌂W⌂W⌂W⌂Words: Joan D. Campbell, b © 1969 IRI ⌂M⌂M⌂M⌂Music: Hal K. Campbell, b © 1969 IRI. Arr. © 1989 IRI Enrichment Activity #6
⌂ I testify that the priesthood of God is the greatest power on earth and it can bless our lives in many ways. The priesthood has blessed my life. ⌂ I encourage the boys in the class to prepare to receive the Aaronic Priesthood.
⌂ Images and clipart are from lds.org, sugardoodle.net, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain. The hymns, scripture story and lesson are primarily from ⌂ Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. ⌂ The presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual or scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.