Chapter 5 : lesson 4 Do now: think of a time when god acted in your life in an unexpected way. Write about one of those times.
Chapter 5 In Joseph’s case, God’s plan was to provide a temporary home for his people. Joseph was the favorite of Jacob and Rachel’s 12 sons. Joseph was hated by his brothers because Jacob loved him so much. He also gave Joseph a beautiful robe. Joseph always had dreams. One of his dreams predicted that he would have authority over his whole family. This angered his brothers very much. His brothers took his robe and sold him as a slave to a passing caravan of merchants. The merchants sold Joseph to the pharaoh, the king of Egypt.
Chapter 5 Joseph was eventually imprisoned by the stewards in Egypt. In prison, Joseph realized that he could interpret dreams. This gift was brought to the attention of the pharaoh who was disturbed by strange dreams. Joseph told the pharaoh that a terrible famine would hit Canaan. Joseph was made a manager of the Egyptian kingdom by the pharaoh. He prepared Egypt for the famine. Joseph’s brothers in Canaan heard there was food in Egypt, so they traveled there to buy grain. They bowed to Joseph not recognizing him. Joseph’s dream came true. He now had authority over his family. Joseph made up with his brothers. Jacob and his whole family moved to Egypt. God’s purpose was fulfilled. God’s people found a temporary home in Egypt.
Chapter 5 Concept: Why did God’s people find a temporary home in Egypt? Providence: God’s plan for and protection of all creation Pharaoh: The King of Egypt Joseph: Son of Jacob and Rachel - favorite of Jacob’s 12 sons - had the ability to interpret dreams
Chapter 5 Questions 1.Why did Joseph’s brothers dislike him? 2. What did they do to punish Joseph? 3. How was Joseph able to save Egypt from the famine? 4. How was Joseph able to save his family?