AIP-5 Agriculture SBA Demo Prof. Liping Di Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems George Mason University
Agriculture SBA Tasks Three tasks for the GEO Agriculture SBA AG 01: initiating the creation of a 5- to 10-year strategic plan and creating a plan of action for GEO in agriculture; AG 02: developing and improving analytical tools and methods for agricultural risk assessment, particularly for crop failure, and establishing common standards and formats; AG 03: supporting operational agricultural monitoring systems, enhancing the current capabilities in the areas of agricultural monitoring, famine early warning and food security.
AIP-5 Agriculture SBA Implementation Pilot the implementation of a prototype distributed system for operational global agricultural monitoring –Support Agriculture SBA, especially task AG 03 Theme: crop condition monitoring and analysis Scenario: –A government agricultural decision maker or an agriculture commodity trader wants to know the current crop condition of major crops in the world’s major production areas in comparison with the last year, a specific year in the past, or multi-year average.
GEOSS Ag. SBA Wiring Diagram GMU GADMFS GMU WMS (NDVI, VCI) GMU/NASS WMS (CDL) GMU WCS (NDVI, VCI) GMU/NASS WFS (ASD, state/county) GMU/NASS WCS (CDL) GMU VegScape PYXIS users GMU WMS (Ag. Drought) GMU WCS ( Ag. Drought) CAASS WMS (corn, wheat con.) CAAS WCS (corn, wheat con.) GMU CropScape GMU WMS (DEM) GMU WCS (DEM) GMU DEM Explorer
Demo video show
Summary OGC Interoperability technology brings the agricultural information providers and users together Under the GEOSS Architectural framework, it is possible to construct operational global agriculture monitoring and analysis system. Any user with an Internet can access and utilize the agricultural information equally. OGC Services brings together agriculture information providers and information users Decision Makers Ag information Providers
Credits Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems, George Mason University Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Tsinghua University, China National Agricultural Statistics Services, USA PYXIS CIESIN, Columbia University, USA GeoViQua GEOWOW Arch GIS-FCU, Taiwan India Institute of Technology INCOSE TUD-GLUES UNEP-Live And many more…