First Wave or Old Immigrants Northwestern European Protestants Came for Freedom Came for Jobs Came for Land
The Irish Famine set to 'The Pogues' - Thousands are Sailing - YouTube The Irish Potato Famine
Second Wave or New Immigrants Southern and Eastern European Asian Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jewish Arab, etc Came for Freedom Came for jobs
Similarities and Differences in Pull Factors Northwest Europe Protestants Land Freedom Jobs South/East Europe Asia Many Religions Old BothNew
Land Rush land run - oklahoma - tom - YouTube
Push Factors for Immigrants Poverty Disease Famine Drought Lack of Opportunity
Push Factors for young People Like You Congratulations! You are the first born son of the wealthy Rizzo Family. You got to go to school and enjoy the good things in life. You see your parent’s will. You get this estate because you are the oldest son. Do you want to stay in Italy?
Are You Serious? Bummer! You are the second born son of the wealthy Rizzo Family. You work herding your father’s goats. Your parents are giving your big brother all the land and money. You get this goat. Do you want to stay in Italy?
Factors for Young Women Would you marry this man if your parents arranged the marriage? He is Young Handsome Financially stable Owns a nice house
Oh Dear! Would you marry this man if your parents arranged the marriage? He is Unattractive Old Has 8 children Lives in two room farmhouse
Tell your parents what you think Dear Mother and Father, (Write a push factor here. Use complete sentences.) I do not want to live here anymore because… (Write a pull factor here. Use complete sentences.) I am leaving for America because I hope…