Emerging Elders
Session 1: Do We Really Need Elders?
Elders, Pastors, Bishops = same function Presbyter = elder Poimenas = shepherd, pastor Episkopos = bishop Evangelists Apostle = missionary, one sent Prophet = speaks the word, preacher, voice of God, vision caster Ministry ( diakonos ) = concept of broker, steward, administrator; rather than servant Minister, deacon, deaconess
Bishop Attention Organizational Visit, confrontation Shepherd Develop members faith Guidance Protection Ephesians 4:11-16Develop to maturity Acts 20:17-35Holy Spirit placed as overseers Give an account to the chief-shepherd Shepherds always had to present a sheep part as accountability
God Leadership Bishop Christ Pastor Elders Church World
Problem We have churches without elders – Churches need shepherding – Evangelists need to be in the community Tension between elders and preachers (Who’s in Charge?) Are our preachers training leaders? Will we let them? Theological understanding of what elders are supposed to do Most elders are appointed rather than trained
Membership Leadership
Membership Leadership
Why Elder Development?
ADNile floods in Alexandria Grain shortage in Rome by fall Jubilee year in Jerusalem Acts 11:27Agabus prophesies famine 47 AD Famine in Jerusalem Acts 11:30Paul and Barnabas with relief 47AD-50ADPaul 2 trips Salamis to Paphos is 112 or 145 days 50-52ADPaul at Corinth
He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry for building up the body of Christ
…until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ so that we may no longer be children
The reason I left you in Crete was that you might correct what is lacking and appoint elders in every city even as I directed you to do.
What Type of Training Have We Used? Farming, Agriculture Education Business Team Ministry Need a Theological Model
Do We Need Elders? Elders were a key part of infant congregations Elders empower the ministers to focus on outreach Elders can shepherd ministers to use their gifts Elders can develop members, families, and people struggling with sin Elders can help the church become missional/incarnational
Emerging Elders