“Putting Irish health research on the map” Aoife Lawton Lenus Repository Manager
Outline Background Project timeline Content workflow Content & Functionality Milestones one year on Future
Project Timeline
Vision The aim of Lenus is to become the primary online resource for information relating to the Irish health services. Our commitment is to preserve, maintain and make freely available for research purposes, policy & research from authors and health agencies on the island of Ireland to the global community. Lenus’ vision is to support Open Access research in Irish health by developing a single access point and repository for Irish health literature and research.
The contributors so far…
“direct benefit to people’s health, build Ireland’s reputation for research and drive economic benefits”
Supporting research Maintains quality archive ROI Complements the health research landscape Showcases Irish health research to the world Fulltext for free
Recent Survey said.. “Based on your experience to date, please list your key FREE relevant web resources?” 1. PubMed 2. The Cochrane Library 3. Intute 4. Lenus 5. Trip Database
Putting Irish Research On The Map
Top 10 downloads Feb 2010 RECORD TITLENO. OF DOWNLOADS Guidelines for infection control in nursing/residential homes [HSE South Eastern Area] 270 Mental health assessment tools 2008 [HSE Dublin Mid-Leinster] 214 Directory of services 2004 / [East Coast Area Health Board] 294 Reformatory and industrial schools system report 1970 [chaired by District Justice Eileen Kennedy] 373 Trust in care: policy for health service employers on upholding the dignity and welfare of patient / clients and the procedure for managing allegations of abuse against staff members [HSE] 161 Guidance to nurses and midwives on medication management / [An Bord Altranais] 220 The years ahead: a policy for the elderly: report of the Working Party on Services for the Elderly / [chaired by Joseph Robins] 254 Report of the evaluation of standards in St. Mary's Hospital Phoenix Park 188 An introduction to the HSE 2005 [HSE] 232 Health status of the population of Ireland [HSE] 98
Milestones year 1 Successful migration of content OAI compliant – indexed in Google Listed in OpenDoar, Roar Part of WorldWideScience Alliance Available on HSE website Content harvested by Researchscope Focus group involvement Average of 6937 visits a month, 05:25 min time on site