Aoife Lawton Lenus Repository Manager
Outline Background A Time For Change Current Status Future
Background 12 health boards Became 1 organisation with 4 regions
A Time for change Key drivers Technology Open Access Business need & user demand Guiding principles User involvement Standards
Open Access
User Involvement
Anthony Panizzi “Ninety-One Cataloguing Rules ” (1841)
Cataloguer Submit Scan LENUS QA corrects entry using standards notification Save AuthorHSE Library Staff Content Management Workflow
We looked at the before, now let’s look at the after
Putting Irish Research On The Map
Global Visitors
Traffic analysis
Top 10 downloads Oct 2009 RECORD TITLENO. OF DOWNLOADS The education and development of health and social care professionals in the health services (Reed, Jackie) 170 Reformatory and industrial schools system report 1970 chaired by District Justice Eileen Kennedy (Kennedy, Eileen District Justice et al) 156 Strategies to prevent dental caries in children and adolescents guidance on identifying high caries risk children and developing preventive strategies for high caries risk children in Ireland (Guideline Development Group et al) 112 SLÁN 2007: survey of lifestyle, attitudes and nutrition in Ireland. ‘one Island – one lifestyle?’ health and lifestyles in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland: comparing the population surveys SLÁN 2007 and NIHSWS Mental health assessment tools (Laois Offaly Longford Westmeath Mental Health Services et al) 100 Real Lives 2 findings from the all-Ireland gay men's sex surveys, 2005 and 2006 (McCarthy,Daniel et al) 99 [X-ray diagnosis of atrophy of the cerebral hemispheres and indications for hemispherectomy.] (PIA, H W) 96 Caring for your child: six months to two years old (Child Health Information Service Project (CHISP) et al) 91 Joint report on social inclusion social employment and social affairs social security and social inclusion (European Commission Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs) 90 Finance shared services primary care reimbursement service statistical analysis of claims and payments 2007 (Health Service Executive (HSE) Dublin) 88
Features of Uniquely Irish health material in full text Web 2.0 features ( RSS, register for updates, export to refworks/endnote) Researchers Page Multi language support (Irish & English) Web-based metadata entry (no need for software install locally) Web-based upload of documents
Who should register? Researchers in HSE & Irish healthcare organisations with published works related to Irish health. Irish Librarians who would upload documents on behalf of authors/organisations Anyone with an interest in keeping up to date with what is published by the HSE on an ongoing basis.
Future Research in health on the agenda Open Access Position Statement/Mandate Adhere to Standards Keep users involved – expand researchers pages New Release of DSpace Q Promotion internally & externally Collaboration: –Direction submission of publications by multiple organisations, authors, admin staff, librarians