Irish Free State Debate What were differences between Eamon de Valera & Michael Collins?
Anglo-Irish Treaty 1) Ireland would become the Irish Free State and would have it’s own government. 2)Ireland would remain part of the British Commonwealth and will have to swear allegiance to the crown. 3) Ireland will be partitioned with Northern Ireland remaining part of UK.
The Irish Free State Michael Collins “Mick” Eamon de Valera “Dev” Leader of Irish Republican Army&Pres of Irish Free State President of (declared) Irish Republic Favored treaty, felt it was best British would give Against treaty, we should get more from the British Treaty not perfect but it finally ends a war Irish cant win Treaty not perfect, continue the war, which can be won Felt treaty would eventually lead to Irish Republic Says we need an Irish Republic now VS. Wanted Irish people to have final say on the treaty Felt as elected President, he should have final say on treaty
Timed Writing You have a friend that is on the opposite side of the treaty issue that you are on. 1)Fold a piece of lined paper horizontally (hamburger style) 2)Using the top half of the paper, write a persuasive letter to your friend trying to convince them to join your side of the Anglo-Irish Treaty debate. 3)You have ____ minutes to write 4)Attach this to your packet that is due Monday Where do you stand on this issue? Are you for Collins & the treaty or DeValera & against the treaty?