Dylan Grace, President ISSU
Plan for when and how the new Junior Cycle will be introduced has been outlined Expectation that new senior cycle and associated reforms will follow (i.e. If college entry will also change, future of TY programme etc) Students are broadly happy with proposed changes, but training + supports need to be in place for the new curriculum to be delivered successfully
What kinds of schools do students want to attend? How do students want to learn? What type of curriculum do students want to follow? How do students want to be assessed? What support will help young people to grow and develop? What types of young adults could emerge from a reformed system? What can we do to facilitate the new system?
Schools that champion all forms of extra curricular participation and achievement - Schools which provide an environment that stimulates creatively with a culture of critical thinking, encouraging students to think outside the box and to actively engage with the subjects at hand - Schools which foster student voice and in which students are consulted in all aspects of their learning
Schools which recognise students' individuality and differences in methods of learning and are able to adapt to suit their needs - Schools which have the facilities to enable group work, interactive learning and the integration of ICT in all aspects of learning - Schools which adopt a collaborative approach to learning, involving the wider school community, and encouraging students to learn practically through work placements and projects within the community.
Greater interest if modes of teaching and learning vary – enjoy practical work for example, but many subjects have less variety currently Focus on learning outcomes and key skills, not the exams themselves Subjects to be integrated with ICT skills where possible Creativity to be encouraged Problem based learning – integration of ICT can facilitate this
Students need to be in a comfortable environment where they are able to learn whatever way suits them. Research shows that students learn in different ways and this needs to be identified in early secondary school years in order for the student reach their maximum potential.
Students need more hands on and practical learning from a younger age: e.g. Irish young people should be participating in conversation tables and class discussions through Irish from a younger age meaning that after 14 years of learning Irish that all students would be able to actually engage in a conversation in the language
Want senior and junior cycle curriculums to be similar Want opportunity to study a wide range of subjects Opportunity to study new subjects as short courses Increased flexibility in syllabi e.g. special topics, projects etc Curriculum should allow students to take ownership of their own learning Flexible curriculum tailored to them
Broad base of assessment methods to ensure that all learning styles are catered for and no- one is at a particular advantage/disadvantage More marks for portfolio and project work Reduce stress of end exams Want more feedback on assessments and general homework so they know where to improve Group (assign roles and rotate) and individual projects
Career planning and guidance counselling should be a feature throughout school, not just in 6 th year Facilitate empowerment in many ways such as student council, action projects within school etc (encourage all students to do something which empowers them) Ensure that learning supports are available in a timely fashion when needed
Independent learners Experienced in working with others Able to tackle unknown problems in work / further study Capable of learning through various modes Well rounded, not just focused on academic achievement Has learned key skills and life skills, less focused on training/studying for end exams
Staff training – new modes of learning, assessment and introduction of short courses will necessitate training for teachers ICT infrastructure for teaching / learning / assessment and also to facilitate teachers from different schools sharing experiences /resources etc Positive engagement from all stakeholders in the education community
Curriculum reform is key for the future success of our education system Success would mean an education system which stimulates creativity and encourages young people to think critically, to look outside the box and examine things through different methods and from different perspectives. This will ensure students' ability to better cope with the transition from primary to secondary school and to adapt when going on to third-level allowing them to better reach their potential.
Rote learning needs to be completely adjusted and changed in teaching and in the exam style. Learning off essays etc. for Irish and French is merely regurgitating information to satisfy a teacher / examiner Curricula and an education system that encourages and makes way for a culture of life long learning ensuring that our work force our always on track of new research and information and looking to develop their knowledge and skill base at every opportunity throughout their lives