1 Industrial Dispute Resolution Conference – International Perspectives, Melbourne 2007 Kieran Mulvey, Chief Executive, Labour Relations Commission, Ireland
‘To promote the development and improvement of Irish Industrial relations policies, procedures and practices through the provision of appropriate, timely and effective services to employers, trade unions and employees’. The Labour Relations Commission
Tri-partite Board Advisory Services Division Rights Commissioner Service Chief Executive’s Office Conciliation Services Division Corporate Services Division Workplace Mediation Service
Conciliation in Ireland Voluntary Process Extension of Local Bargaining with Independent Facilitator Parties take ownership of problems/solution 81% settlement rate (2006)(1500 disputes) Disputes not settled can be referred to the Labour Court Acceptance of Labour Court Recommendtions is Voluntary
Advisory Services Over 600 projects completed. Diagnostic Audits. Joint Working Parties. Preventive Mediation/Facilitation. Voluntary Dispute Resolution. Codes of Good Practice. Research and Information.
Rights Commissioners Mission: “To investigate and recommend on disputes and grievances referred by individuals or small groups of workers under the relevant industrial relations/employment rights legislation.” Operate under 23 statutes/laws. Over 7,000 referrals in Eight Commissioners (rising to 14 in 2008)
7 Ireland - Strike Statistics and Trends
8 The Irish Economy 1986 Inflation:20% Unemployment:19% Massive balance of payments deficit Major emigration Little foreign investment – traditional industries IMF concerns ‘Titanic’...the sinking ship…
9 1987, Ireland back in the race…
Economic Progress since 1987 Size of Economy: GNP up by 600%Size of Economy: GNP up by 600% Numbers Employed: 1.1m to 2.07mNumbers Employed: 1.1m to 2.07m Female participation: 34% to 53%Female participation: 34% to 53% Unemployment: 19% to 4%Unemployment: 19% to 4% National Debt: 125% to 25% of GNPNational Debt: 125% to 25% of GNP The Irish Social Model An Irish Win at Carnoustie
Programme for National Recovery Programme for National Recovery Programme for Economic and Social Progress Programme for Economic and Social Progress Programme for Competitiveness and Work Programme for Competitiveness and Work Partnership 2000 for Inclusion, Employment and Competitiveness Partnership 2000 for Inclusion, Employment and Competitiveness Programme for Prosperity and Fairness Programme for Prosperity and Fairness Sustaining Progress Sustaining Progress Towards 2016Towards 2016 Ireland’s National Consensus Ireland developed a national economic and social consensus involving Government, Employers, Trade Unions, Farmers and other Interest Groups, which resulted in ‘The Celtic Tiger’ The Irish Social Model
The National Programmes covered êpay êemployment êcompetitiveness êsocial inclusion êtaxation êeducation êhealth êwelfare ênational infrastructure The Irish Social Model
consultation, negotiation and bargainingconsultation, negotiation and bargaining shared understanding of key mechanisms and relationshipsshared understanding of key mechanisms and relationships Government in a key unique roleGovernment in a key unique role inter-dependence between the partnersinter-dependence between the partners problem solving approachproblem solving approach trade-offs between and within interest groupstrade-offs between and within interest groups involving different participants on various agenda itemsinvolving different participants on various agenda items The Irish Social Model MNC owned pharmaceutical plant, Cork The Irish Process of Social Partnership
Social Partnership – the Success Factors 1)Agreed Strategy – Government, Unions and Employers 2)Consensual Structure – Discussion, negotiation and agreement 3)Culture – Changing attitudes and problem solving 4)Education System – Free access 5)Enterprise/Change – Review State and Private Sectors The Irish Social Model The Irish Financial Services Centre, Dublin
15 Top Ten National Groupings Resident in Ireland Poland: 150,000China: 60,000 Lithuania: 45,000Latvia 30,000Nigeria: 28,000UK: 25,000 United States: 6,000Philippines: 5,000Romania: 5,000Pakistan: 4,500
16 SectorNon-Irish nationals employed, Q (000s) Construction37,700 Manufacturing35,300 Health/Education26,600 Financial Services26,700 Hotels/Restaurants32,800 Retail27,600 Other28,700 Total215,400 Source: CSO Sectors of Employment of Migrants in Ireland
17 Different Economies /Different IR & Human Resource Strategies High tech /High yield Multinationals Mobile/ “Backroom” Services Diminishing Traditional Manufacturing Services State Enterprises Expanding Public Services SME Sector Construction and Allied Industries
18 The “drift” in competitiveness, inflation, productivity and interest rates The imperative of reform/delivery in all state sectors/services Dispute resolution and “Benchmarking” Retention of Employment/Industrial Investment/Infrastructural Delivery Integration of migrant workers Legalisation of the Employment Relationship and Dispute Resolution Procedures Current Challenges