Irish EU Presidency January to June 2013
Meetings in Dublin The HMPWG meeting will take place on 30 th – 31 st May 2013, with a welcome reception on the 29 th. Venue: Conrad Hotel, Dublin 2 Hotel accommodation: Conrad Hotel Located in the heart of Dublin, 30 minutes from Dublin airport, beside the offices of the Irish Medicines Board
The Irish Medicines Board will host 19 meetings from January to June Other Meetings Other Presidency meetings: ✓ HMA 1 (30-31 Jan) ✓ CHMP (9-10 May) ✓ CAMD (30-31 Jan) ✓ PRAC (9-10 May) ✓ CMC (29 Jan) ✓ CMD(h) (9-10 May) ✓ COMP (28 Feb-1 Mar) ✓ HMPC (28-29 May) ✓ CAT (28 Feb-1 Mar) ✓ HMPWG (30-31 May) ✓ PDCO (7-8 Mar) ✓ WGQM (6-7 June) ✓ EMACOLEX (14-15 Mar) ✓ WGCP (6-7 June) ✓ CTFG (11-12 Apr) ✓ CVMP (27-28 June) ✓ WGEO (17-19 Apr) ✓ CMD(v) (27-28 June) ✓ HMA 2 (24-26 Apr)
Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Population of Ireland: approximately 4.5 millions. Population of Dublin: approximately 1 million. Ireland is a member of the European Union since ✓ 2013 will mark the 40 th anniversary of Ireland’s accession to the European Union. This is the 7 th time that Ireland will host the EU Presidency. Facts about Ireland and Dublin
The Irish Medicines Board was established in 1995, replacing the National Drugs Advisory Board established in Over 300 employees. IMB structure: ✓ Chief Executive Office ✓ Human Resources ✓ Finance and Corporate Affairs ✓ Scientific Affairs ✓ IT and Change Management ✓ Compliance ✓ Human Products Monitoring ✓ Veterinary ✓ Human Products Authorisation and Registration Facts about the Irish Medicines Board
Contact information Presidency website of the Irish Medicines Board (launch: 1 October 2012) Official Irish Presidency website Useful links
Welcome to Dublin in 2013!