St. Patrick’s Day Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green. Watch the short video for bell-work and briefly describe the HISTORY of St. Patty’s DayHISTORY EQ: What were the causes and effects of the Mexican American War
Objective and Scales: The student will be able to evaluate the causes and effects of the Mexican-American War and the achievement of Manifest Destiny as evidenced multi-flow map and summary with 80% accuracy Where does today’s objective fit into the UNIT LEARNING GOAL SCALE? Objective M What do you need to be able to accomplish with objective N to reach MASTERY LEVEL OR SCALE EVEREST? TOC: Page 94 -Mexican-American War Multi-Flow Map
AGENDA: Mini-Lecture: Mexican American War Multi-Flow Maps (causes and effects of the Mexican- American War) Summary and SPC Mexican-American War cause The annexation of Texas in 1845 effect Nation achieved Manifest Destiny
How did Polk try to avoid war? Polk knew the Mexican Government needed cash and offered to pay to settle the border dispute and also offered to buy California and the rest of New Mexico, (Nevada, parts of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Arizona) On November 10, 1845 Polk sent John Slidell, a secret representative, to Mexico City with an offer of $25 million ($681,442,308 today)!!!! Mexican government was outraged…why so dang angry? He refused to cede any more land to the US So Polk changes tactics, now he WANTS to provoke Mexico into war b/c he realizes the only way to get Cali and New Mexico is by fighting…..
So why not pick a fight? Polk sent General Zachary Taylor to the disputed border between Mexico and the US Mexicans perceived this as a act of war and ambushed American troops Polk got what he needed, blood was spilled on AMERICAN soil, he asked for a declaration of war from Congress Southern Democrats and Westerns supported the war (WHY?), Northerners and Whigs opposed it. Even Abraham Lincoln pointed out that the land under dispute was not “American Soil”
So how did it go down? 1.Americans take Sante Fe, NM 2.Bear Flag Rebellion help gain control of California 3.Then into Mexico, caputured Monterrey, Buena Vista. Santa Anna Retreated 4.America then captures Mexico City (capital) 5.It done!
So what did we get, what did Polk accomplish? 1.Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 2.Mexican Cession Territories for only 15 mil. 3.Border is settled at Rio Grande 4.We now can finish MANIFEST DESTINY
AGENDA: Mini-Lecture: Mexican American War Multi-Flow Maps in groups (causes and effects of the Mexican-American War) Summary and SPC Mexican-American War cause The annexation of Texas in 1845 effect Nation achieved Manifest Destiny
Summary and Progress Chart Describe how the effects of the Mexican-American War (the Mexican Cession) and the Gadsden purchase helped to achieve John L. O’Sullivan’s idea of Manifest Destiny. Complete progress chart for objective M