Paper Pass Back AND SUBMIT Hamlet Act 1, Scene 1 homework NOW!!!
Things you should get back: 1) Profiling Packets (75) 2) typed Works Cited Page (20 or signed) 3) Malcolm X HIPP Introduction (keep this out!)
Profiling Packet = A = B = C = D 44 – under = F
"It's just like when you've got some coffee that's too black, which means it's too strong. What do you do? You integrate it with cream, you make it weak. But if you pour too much cream in it, you won't even know you ever had coffee. It used to be hot, it becomes cool. It used to be strong, it becomes weak. It used to wake you up, now it puts you to sleep." - Malcolm X ( ) – Civil Rights Activist Explain Malcolm X’s argument and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with his analysis. Support your position, providing reasons and examples from your own experience, observations or readings.Malcolm X
H – Hook me! I- IVF (introduce the author and explain what he is arguing) P - Position (with an occasion) P – Plan your three arguments!
GOOD IVF - In a famous quote, Malcolm X once asserted that ethnic races are like coffee - the more you mix them with other things, the weaker they become.
GOOD IVF - Malcolm X argued in his quote that people are like coffee, if you mix black and white you will ruin both of them.
Missed the mark…
IVF - Malcom X, a Civil Rights Activist once argued through a metaphor about coffee that many people could not accept African Americans for the way they were.
OFF- TOPIC IVF - Malcolm X argue that white people don’t want black people to have power so when they do there are white people step in. (proofread too…)
MISINTERPRETED IVF - Malcolm X argues that like a good cup of coffee, we have to have equal parts of both races in this country.
OFF-TARGET IVF - Malcolm X, a Civil Rights Activist claimed that Blacks and Whites can never get along.
SAME with Dan White’s Quote on Surveillance!!!
Back on target…
IVF - Malcolm X, a civil rights activist infers that black and white people should not be combined together in any given place; he believes in keeping the races separate. (tie in coffee analogy it make it ROCKSTAR!!!)
IVF - By using an analogy about coffee being ruined by too much cream, Malcolm X a civil rights activist infers that black and white people should not be combined together in any given place; he believes in keeping the races separate.
IVF - Malcolm X once claimed that the more you mix people of different “colors” the weaker the individual races (especially blacks) will become. tied in coffee metaphor in the HOOK!!!
Hook - Coffee is black and cream is white; when you mix them together they become a yummy shade of tan. IVF- Malcolm X once claimed, though, that the more you mix people of different “colors” the weaker the races (especially blacks) will become.
Position- Knowing that Malcolm X was a believer in keeping races separate, this is not surprising; he was wrong, however!
Position- Even though bi- racial families are all around us now, he was probably correct in his statement.
Plan- This can be seen in families living here in Corona, in the relationships here at Santiago, and within my own family.
Integration his been sought by many brave leaders throughout history. Malcolm X, however, argued that segregation is better for the Black community, and that integrating society would only make them weaker. As influential as this man was, his view on this situation is wrong. This is exemplified by the history of unequal segregation that our country has, the positive results that have come from integration, and Malcolm's very own coffee metaphor which I believe he interprets incorrectly.
Integration his been sought by many brave leaders throughout history. Malcolm X, however, argued that segregation is better for the Black community, and that integrating society would only make them weaker. As influential as this man was, his view on this situation is wrong. This is exemplified by the history of unequal segregation that our country has, the positive results that have come from integration, and Malcolm's very own coffee metaphor which he interprets incorrectly.